• 2 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Oct 28, 2021


What kind of issues do you have? Never had any using Debian, Ubuntu or arch

Really cool, thank you.

I have a small issue with some dark themes, but anyway I stuck with vapowave-dark even so :)

I love darkspace.

Well, I don’t know if that’s really sad, I think people should have a minimum of knowledge to host online services. Doing it while learning system administration from scratch and hoping it will be easy is kind of naive.

I did not read the docs but if it’s not the case maybe some basic knowledge should be listed as requirement along with some links to tutorials?

I do exactly the same that way I always get new content as I check in a few times a day. I have trouble understanding the trending and active sorting methods.

Those are very nice, thanks for sharing!

Too bad I did not check for how long the service was running before restarting, I’ll check next time.

I think I had to do this twice so I guess at least several weeks but I was up to 7GB then only 65MB after restart. And I had to do it on both my test and production server.

Yep I noticed that as well, though I don’t detect it right away since I have lots of available memory on my server. I just restart the pictrs service but indeed a more long term solution would be great. I haven’t created an issue since I don’t use a supported deployment method so I was not sure which was the culprit.

Well that’s too bad, you should open an issue. It worked for me, I even tweaked it to install the latest 0.16.0 and it worked as well.

Indeed, the home page is quite vague, there is no working link to the documentation, not very engaging

It has just been updated to 0.15.2!

Thanks for those answers.

I use I3wm and don’t play games on my gnu/linux computers so for now I think I’ll stick with it but it seems sway would be the way to go for me if I was ready.

Maybe that’s a stupid question (some might say there’s no such thing), but why would I run Wayland?

It looks like I would have to jump through hoops whereas x11 just works. I’m not being sarcastic or ironical, just genuinely wondering.

Oh, I always saw it as a voice chat client with text chat functionalities, never thought it was the other way around.

Good to know.

Some domain registrars offer some e-mail plan when you get a domain. I know I got a domain with 2 mailboxes for like 10€ a few years ago (it was OVH but I’m pretty sure other providers offer the same kind of deal).

The thing is sometime the web interfaces are not very good but you can use any other mail client AND can use a custom domain name for your address, that’s cool.

Then I ended up hosting my e-mails myself but if it wasn’t by curiosity I would have stuck with the offered plan.

It seems OK and the interface looks slick but I tried a few months ago and could not make it work following the documentation, I thought I would wait a little bit before trying again.

I think I read somewhere they would think about federation in a second time. That doesn’t bother me so much as I would probably use it like mumble with a small group of friends. That being said I do think federation would be a great feature to have, specially for the software adoption.

This is a voice chat app unlike rocketchat and the other you name.

Thanks for sharing.

Also for this you can use tldr

Also,it would be nice to have some sort of moderation/ban federation to avoid having to do the work on each instance.

I’m sure it’s easier said than done but would be very beneficial to the project and community.

Hi, I did not use the ansible playbook so I have no confirmation of what I’m saying here, just talking from my experience with ansible.

  1. Yes, you need to clone it to your local machine even if it would also work from your VPS it’s much more practical to run ansible from a separate host.
  2. Those {{ values }} are defined somewhere in your ansible inventory. For example {{ domain }} is defined in the hosts file you have to copy (domain=example.com)

This looks like a great tool.

I can’t think of any use case but I can’t help thinking I could do fun and useful things whit it.

Have some of you configured your lemmy server to send e-mails using starttls?
So I have an issue with my smtp settings, I can't get my Lemmy instance to send e-mails using my SMTP server using starttls and wondered if some of you have managed to do so? If so I would like to compare client and server settings to understand what is going wrong with my setup. In the meantime I have opened issues at lemmy and lettre repo but I'm trying to get help anywhere I can :)

I installed Lemmy
I added Lemmy to the list of my self-hosted fediverse services, here’s what I think about it and how I made it more useful in a single-user instance configuration.