Looking for GenZedong?
This post is for those coming over from /r/GenZedong who signed up on instead of, which is where the GenZedong community is located. First of all, that's perfectly fine and we're happy to have you here! You still have full access to Lemmygrad's communist communities, just like how Lemmygrad users have access to this instance's communities, but for new users, finding a community on another instance might not immediately be intuitive, so I thought I'd direct link the community for convenience. -- Use this link to access GenZedong from your account! See also: [What is Lemmy? What is Lemmygrad? What's the difference?](

Lemmy Release v0.17.0
Its been a long time coming 🥳 . Excerpt from the link: ## Major Changes ### Language Tags Content can now be tagged to indicate the language it is written in. These tags can be used to filter content, so that you only see posts in languages which you actually understand. Instances and communities can also specify which languages are allowed, and prevent posting in other languages. In the future this will also allow for integrated translation tools. ### Comment trees Lemmy has changed the way it stores comments, in order to be able to properly limit the comments shown to a maximum depth. Included are proper comment links (`/comment/id`), where you can see its children, a count of its hidden children, and a _context_ button to view its parents, or the post. ### Featured posts Admins and mods can now "feature" (this used to be called "sticky" ala reddit) posts to the top of either a community, or the top of the front page. This makes possible announcement and bulletin-type posts. Special thanks to @makotech for adding this feature. ### Federation Lemmy users can now be followed. Just visit a user profile from another platform like Mastodon, and click the follow button, then you will receive new posts and comments in the timeline. Votes are now federated as private. This prevents other platforms from showing who voted on a given post, and it also means that Lemmy now counts votes from Mastodon. This release also improves compatibility with Pleroma. If you previously had trouble interacting between Pleroma and Lemmy, give it another try. We've extracted the main federation logic into its own library, [activitypub-federation-rust]( It is open source and can be used by other projects to implement Activitypub federation, without having to reinvent the wheel. The library helps with handling HTTP signatures, sending and receiving activities, fetching remote objects and more. ### Other changes - Admins can now purge content and pictures from the database. - Mods can _distinguish_ a comment, "stickying" it to the top of a post. Useful for mod messages and announcements. - Number of new / unread comments are now shown for each post. - Lemmy now automatically embeds videos from Peertube, Youtube and other sites which provide an embed link via Opengraph attribute. - You can give your site "taglines", short markdown messages, which are shown at the top of your front page. Thanks to @makotech for adding this. - You can now report private messages. - Most settings have been moved from the config file into the database. This means they can be updated much easier, and apply immediately without a restart. - When setting up a new Lemmy instance, it doesn't create a default community anymore. Instead this needs to be done manually. - Admins can choose to receive emails for new registration applications. - An upgrade of diesel to v2.0, our rust -> postgres layer.

Software Engineering, a new community !
[!]( We post and discuss software engineering related information: be it programming/construction, UX/UI, software architecture, DevSecOps, software economics, research, management, requirements, AI, ... It is meant as a serious, focused community that strives for sharing content from reliable sources, and free/open access as well.
fedilink domain hijacked!
sorry guys, HeapOverflow is down right now, because freenom decided to disappear my domain registration... I'll try and recover it or migrate to a more reliable TLD, but It'll take some time =/ This should also serve as a warning against using sketchy TLDs

New community: Mythical Numbers - for crossposting content that has special numbers (ex 69, 88, 13, 34) in it that you stumbled across
Ideally stumbled across by accident, ideally not set up on purpose. Ex someone shares a chinese military demo and there happens to be a block of 69 soldiers standing in the frame. If it was 88 soldiers, it would have been on purpose given 88 is a lucky in china. Inspired by the '11' sub that is the same idea but is only for the number 11.

Lemmy upgrade tomorrow (or wednesday), and we'll have a few hours of downtime.
We're getting ready to release a new version of Lemmy, which will require a database upgrade, so we'll have a few hours of downtime.

  • Ada
  • 1Y
Two new communities, /c/calckey and /c/friendica
Both unofficial, but I noticed that they were missing communities on lemmy, and decided to fix that! [/c/calckey](/c/ [/c/friendica](/c/

To repost old twitter screenshots, overly recycled memes, and other things typical of the mainstream social media. Because I like lemmy more but it doesn't give me that cheap potato chip dopamine fix that reddit does and I'm probably not alone. But also I don't wanna put my shitty capitalist memes in your regular meme feeds, I wanna keep them over here in quarantine for me and my fellow degenerates.

cross-posted from: > [Eternal September]( is when influx from some other (often shittier and collapsing) platform overwhelms the unique culture that existed before, and in time fully replaces it. Destroying what existed before. > > 🧠 💭 **Figure out strategies & actions in comments below .. participate!** > > For example, I introduced 2 hashtags for awareness: > > - **#AvoidEternalSeptember** Raise attention to the culture clash. > - **#DonateToFediInstances** Help admins and moderators withstand the influx and give them your support. > > We want to be gentle, welcoming to newcomers. Show them around. But also keep having the nice chattering and culture we had before, and maybe give those some extra boosts to exemplify and spread the vibes. > > Here's [a poll]( to make newcomers aware that taking Twitter culture with you on the Fediverse is just weird. > > ### Fedizens... Be strategical in how you toot to help avoid that from happening

Aneu engreixant les cadenes‼️ El 12 de novembre, coincidint amb la COP27 (la cimera mundial sobre canvi climàtic), farem una pedalada entre Vilamajor i Cardedeu per presentar el projecte de carril bici i reivindicar la resta de carrils que uneixin Vilamajor i les seves urbanitzacions amb Cardedeu i Llinars. Aquí podeu veure el recorregut: Tot seguit, en Rubèn Suriñach ens parlarà de Futurs Impossibles: Estratègia per la transició ecosocial. Mentrestant, l'arròs anirà fent xup-xup. 👉🏽Aquí pots reservar el tiquet de l'arròs 🥘: Els tiquets es poden comprar a través d'aquest l'enllaç o bé a: - El Castanyer a Sant Antoni de Vilamajor i a - La Fresca i Artijoc a Cardedeu I havent dinat el Mag Pep ens sorprendrà amb un espectacle de màgia. Som-hi!!! 🚴🏻‍♀️🚴🏽‍♂️🚴‍♂️🚴🏽‍♀️🚴🏿‍♀️

If you're bored join my instance askanything
The idea is to attract more users here. I could be wrong, and I know there already is ask lemmy. But here, you can ask whatever the fuck you want about anything.

The Free Stuff Community - Lemmy
I was inspired to make it by the one on Reddit.

New Lemmy community Ask A Woman
If you are interested in asking women for their advice and so much more, then come join!

Pictures should be working smoothly now.
All the old pictures are restored from a backup, and should be working now. We've bought more hard drive space too, so we should be okay for a while.
fedilink A community for all things related to the horror genre, from big name franchises to indie works to creepypasta. Come over and be afraid with us!

Lemmy Release v0.16.6 - A few bug fixes
Sry for not announcing sooner.

On beehaw

Request for new Moderators for community "feminism" on
Hello, recently, a user requested moderation action in a thread in the sublemmy feminism. I came a bit late to the party since i am the only moderator there. Therefore, i request assistance in moderating this sublemmy. Please send me direct messages when you are interested. Things i wish for: * trans and queer inclusive * taking racism seriously * general interest to understand what patriarchy means and how it works, with an intention to abolish patriarchy. At least curiosity in that area would be nice. * some kind of leftist/anarchist/anticapitalist * active user of lemmy --> direct message if interested.

Lemmy Announcements

Feel free to announce new communities here.

Other than that, this is reserved for admin use only.

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A community of privacy and FOSS enthusiasts, run by Lemmy’s developers

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  1. No bigotry - including racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, or xenophobia. Code of Conduct.
  2. Be respectful. Everyone should feel welcome here.
  3. No porn.
  4. No Ads / Spamming.

Feel free to ask questions over in: