Psychiatric Registered Nurse

Love memes and scifi/fantasy.

  • 4 Posts
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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Jan 13, 2021

Reminder that there are 2 mental health communities available at your disposal to accommodate multiple parts of the mental health/wellness spectrum
I have created two specific mental health communities, one for positive and/or constructive discussion of mental health and wellness, and one to provide an outlet for people's unpleasant/destructive thoughts (sometimes voicing them will help temporarily quiet them if you are in acute distress). [Mental Health]( | [Void Screaming]( They won't cure you, but social support is an integral part of a well rounded mental-health treatment and wellness plan, and you deserve to have access to them in a federated/decentralized and non-monetized space. Cheers!

To repost old twitter screenshots, overly recycled memes, and other things typical of the mainstream social media. Because I like lemmy more but it doesn't give me that cheap potato chip dopamine fix that reddit does and I'm probably not alone. But also I don't wanna put my shitty capitalist memes in your regular meme feeds, I wanna keep them over here in quarantine for me and my fellow degenerates.

With credit unions you usually have to find a local one that takes you on the basis of where you live, work, or worship, or of some other unique category.

On the other hand, I also hear good things about Alliant

I need a place to put all of my unpleasant thoughts to have them kinda maybe heard. Put yours here too. Sometimes it makes them quieter! SCREAM INTO THE VOID. SCREEEAAAM.