• 11 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Dec 11, 2021

New community: Mythical Numbers - for crossposting content that has special numbers (ex 69, 88, 13, 34) in it that you stumbled across
Ideally stumbled across by accident, ideally not set up on purpose. Ex someone shares a chinese military demo and there happens to be a block of 69 soldiers standing in the frame. If it was 88 soldiers, it would have been on purpose given 88 is a lucky in china. Inspired by the '11' sub that is the same idea but is only for the number 11.

Anyone interested in creating like a lemmy/fediverse news paper?
I've seen a bunch of try hard posts where a lemming goes around and gathers a bunch of information and makes basically a news paper article. Basically that but with fancy pancy formatting to make it look like a newspaper. It could literally be about any topic. I believe this the model that medium and huffpost blog thing follows. Not to mention, reg news paper have opinion pieces on random topics sometimes. Like you could write up a thing about that time your [dog did some crazy thing like making friend with a racoon](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2F4.bp.blogspot.com%2F-vers6LTVAfQ%2FT7qWmnpNfsI%2FAAAAAAAALV0%2Fcl9d8Tz3X7o%2Fs1600%2Fcute-dog-and-raccoon.jpg&f=1&nofb=1). It could also be someone writing an article like one of [dessalines](https://dessalines.github.io/essays/why_not_signal.html) or [joepie91's](http://cryto.net/~joepie91/blog/2014/02/10/why-mtgox-is-full-of-shit/) Something like we make a few posts on a sublemmy, then like end of the month someone formats them together in like a pdf knock off thing and we pass it around like the internet like mono at a frat party. Objectives: just for fun, the spreading it around is for [!fedivangelism@lemmy.ml](https://lemmy.ml/c/fedivangelism) and to build [!fedizenry](https://lemmy.ml/c/fedizens) among all fedizens. I dont have a name ready. The fedizens periodical? Lemmy times. The Fediverse post. The Daily Fedi. Fedizen Enquirer. [Here's a news paper name generator](https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/newspaper-names.php)

New community: No context
~~Catch lemmings when they're vulnerable and cross post it~~ The title of your submission should be a quote taken out of context from a comment on the internet. Exs can be seen here: https://teddit.bus-hit.me/r/nocontext/ --- Ex 2: i'm talking about fixing my truck (shout out to [!fuck_cars@lemmy.ml](https://lemmy.ml/c/fuck_cars) ) [@Aless246@lemmy.ca](https://lemmy.ca/u/Aless246) : try adding a new airbag Me: It doesn't fit, it's too big You: Ping op (me in the example) and make a post titled "It doesn't fit, it's too big" --- An alternative sub name is "that's what she/they said"

New community: Life Pro Tips
https://lemmy.ca/c/lpt What is a Life Pro Tip? A Life Pro Tip (or an LPT) is a specific action with definitive results that improves life for you and those around you in a specific and significant way. Keep in mind that an aphorism is not a LPT. An aphorism is a a short clever saying that is intended to express a general truth or a concise statement of a principle. Examples of aphorisms: “A barking dog never bites.” “No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible.” “All stones are broken stones.”

Post anything that has caveman / cave person vibes. Check sub for examples

Largely a meme sublemmy about all the times communists and fascists agree on things. I wasn’t going to make this, but somebody will eventually and at least i intend this to be light hearted ribbing as oppose to some bone crunching

We can easily make this into a ShitElonSays sub. Or/and ShitElonDoes. You can post anything related to elon or muskrats here.

An edgy meta sublemmy. We’re like c/socialism, but while lemmy is largely closeted armchair socialists, we’re overt armchair socialists. Downvote anything that will actually help achieve socialism like direct action, meet ups, protests etc. Upvote content that will do bugger all.

Announcing: Anti Landlords!
Post anything rental / housing crisis related / just complain about your slumlord/landlord The georgist idea of land tax is fair game. **The old sub was more neutral, but lacked the flair of fuckcars and antiwork.** With this rebrand, some poor sod is gonna be browsing c/antilandlords in front of her landlord gonna get evicted

New sub about landlords / slumlords / rentals / housing crisis
I like to think of it as the fucklandlords, a la fuckcars style, with a splash of antiwork + socialism

Announcing c/anarchism101
[!anarchism101@lemmy.ca](https://lemmy.ca/c/anarchism101) This is a community for those who are new to or unfamiliar with anarchism, socialism or simply leftist philosophy. Ask basic questions here and learn about what we stand for! Not for ‘rightwing anarchists’ Inspired by https://lemmygrad.ml/c/communism101