I’ve seen a bunch of try hard posts where a lemming goes around and gathers a bunch of information and makes basically a news paper article. Basically that but with fancy pancy formatting to make it look like a newspaper.

It could literally be about any topic. I believe this the model that medium and huffpost blog thing follows. Not to mention, reg news paper have opinion pieces on random topics sometimes.

Like you could write up a thing about that time your dog did some crazy thing like making friend with a racoon.

It could also be someone writing an article like one of dessalines or joepie91’s

Something like we make a few posts on a sublemmy, then like end of the month someone formats them together in like a pdf knock off thing and we pass it around like the internet like mono at a frat party.

Objectives: just for fun, the spreading it around is for !fedivangelism@lemmy.ml and to build !fedizenry among all fedizens.

I dont have a name ready. The fedizens periodical? Lemmy times. The Fediverse post. The Daily Fedi. Fedizen Enquirer. Here’s a news paper name generator

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