only here for the lemmy bucks

  • 3 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Jul 28, 2021


They could finally come to terms with the expensive plane was bought that became such a hot topic that they don’t fly it, and instead it is used for wedding receptions in the hangar.

They must be really confident they can pass the blame on to a supplier or contractor.

he means “anyone who’s anyone

I think you should clarify the content and legality of this before just dropping a random link to files on a World News community

Ok ive just switched to jerboa now myself, by default it let’s you view Lemmy from a guest account. So its a bit unintuitive but you have to go to the menu @ top left and add account first.

This has got to be one of the stupidest trolls we have had in ages.

They have links on the bottom of their web page to Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, and Flikr…I get that thats where people need the most saving but FFS boost the numbers of the good-guys at least

What does a groaning lemmy sound like? Enter here and find out!

Everything except puns

Creeps exist everywhere, but taking advantage of people escaping a conflict zone like this (and like women and children in Afghanistan) deserve triple punishment.

Thanks, that’s difficult to say when one gets worked up, I appreciate it.

No, other than the 5 Permanent members I listed further down this chain, the current 10 members voted in until end of 2022/2023 are

  • Albania
  • Brazil
  • Gabon
  • Ghana
  • India
  • Ireland
  • Kenya
  • Mexico
  • Norway
  • United Arab Emirates

Ok, I didnt understand your post properly

There have been numerous attempts to curb growth of Israel but it only takes one blocking vote by a permanent UN member to stop a motion. Those permanent members are China, France, Russia (inherited from USSR), UK, and USA. Since there is a historically close link between USA and Israel, USA blocks actions against Israel. But this itself does not make the organization USA-centric, and it’s unrelated to why Russia was suspended from the group.

No, more like “you are suspended for a while, because of an aggressive military invasion of your neighbor and causing hundreds and hundreds of civilian deaths”

no problem! I think the settings are able to be set uniquely for the appps…at least they are for lemmur

then change fields for type and sort type now save

He said he believed it and clarely noted it was just his opinion.

Users can select a display name that’s different from their actual username for example “Arthur Besse” is [at]cypherpunks

Additionally since they are not a native pearthchat use you would need to add Lemmy(.ml) to tag the instance of that user.

So should be the format.

Edit:hmm, wonder if its because I’m on lemmur. Try

Pretty good read, with some very relevant points thanks.

This is the link where you can subscribe if you are on lemmy[.]ml

There’s been some horrible troll ones in the (negative) high twenties I think.

It may well be a record for a constructive comment though.

Wonder if it has a low setting, so you can throw up a piece of bread and catch your toast 1.5 seconds later.

Hmm, I remember someone asking about a switch to certificates at their school a few weeks ago.

Is this a sign that doing the packet inspection is becoming too difficult for mass surveillance?

weird it links back to this page, but the actual text in my post is as you have written.

How does it look if you click the dots/menu for my post then click, view source?

Yes, there should be a BurnWithFire button for removing the worst trolls.

Posts are replicated across any instances that are federating (think “following”) your host instance so the metrics you seek are not possible without data from each server in the federation which could be ~40 servers currently. Its only a crucial point for sponsored content creators I think.

In terms of stats about the size/activity of the fediverse I think the most informative source currently is lemmymap here I’m very grateful for the insight it provides, but I suppose its far short of what you want.

Edit: some more graphical stats are available here

This.There’s a post somewhere where this was discussed about 3 months ago.

“Storage Boot Option Control” page 27 , may not be visible depending on “CSM” setting (same page)

Keep a diary (or app) with your bed and wake time, include brief notes on food and water intake, as well as drugs or alcohol if applicable. At the end of the day write one line about how the day went. After a month or so you may notice patterns.

I did that recently with a game off f-droid called nonocross…does that make me valuable? Someone…anyone?