
OpenPGP: openpgp4fpr:9f193ae8aa25647ffc3146b5416f303b43c20ac3

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Nov 08, 2022

Software Engineering, a new community !
[!]( We post and discuss software engineering related information: be it programming/construction, UX/UI, software architecture, DevSecOps, software economics, research, management, requirements, AI, ... It is meant as a serious, focused community that strives for sharing content from reliable sources, and free/open access as well.

Oh I misread; thought it enabled following fediverse users from within lemmy, but now i see it is actually the other way around. Thank you for clarifying!

Lemmy users can now be followed. Just visit a user profile from another platform like Mastodon, and click the follow button, then you will receive new posts and comments in the timeline.

does an admin needs to enable the follow button? it is not appearing for me.

Wonderful! Thanks contributors for all the work!

Not the package managers as I understand, but the service providers providing the applications; so it would include e.g. everyone hosting package archive mirrors. This all makes no sense, because the Internet, which runs Linux, would basically stagnate.

Article 6 of the law requires all “software application stores” to:

  • Assess whether each service provided by each software application enables human-to-human communication
  • Verify whether each user is over or under the age of 17
  • Prevent users under 17 from installing such communication software

It may seem unbelievable that the authors of the law didn’t think about this but it is not that surprising considering this is just one of the many gigantic consequences of this sloppily thought out and written law.

That law is a big document; would have been helpful if Mullvad’s article directly cited/referenced as for us to verify some of that.