
  • 70 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Jan 17, 2022


telegram is (and has always been) terrible for privacy.

it’s great for cops around the world, more so in countries where telegram cooperates with them but also in ones where they don’t.

nobody should use telegram.

🎉 thanks to the developers and everyone who helped!

one bug i noticed after the upgrade: my notifications page shows unread notifications for (what i guess is) every reply i’ve ever received which was later deleted. the count in the bell icon only reflected the actual new unread notifications I had received since I last looked, but when i click to view my unread notifications then all of these old ones about deleted messages appear to be unread now.

how will the fix work?

I could be wrong, but I interpret this post as being about Mastodon’s culture of being against search technology, which I find depressing and irritating for reasons I explained in that other thread as well as this one.

However, I just noticed a place where there is some lack of informed consent here on Lemmy: in the Lemmy UI, it appears that upvotes and downvotes are anonymous. I checked a long time ago, and realized that they weren’t really; the identity of the up or down voter is federated, but it is simply not shown by the UI.

I would assume that many (probably most) lemmy users do not realize this: admins of your own instance and all federated instances have the ability to see who upvoted and downvoted what.

It just now came to my attention that Friendica actually is showing this information publicly, in the form of “$username does not like this” for a downvote! https://rytter.me/display/4c906314-4763-d3aa-4584-11a516756414 🤣

(hey @OptimusPrime@lemmy.ml … why did you downvote that? I myself am also listed there as not liking it; I downvoted it as a test to confirm my assumption that it would show up as “does not like”, and then when I undownvoted it that event apparently didn’t get federated.)

imo these are the kind of “informed consent” issues that fediverse developers should be thinking about, rather than “how can we increase the power imbalance by making it so that only the elite are allowed to have fulltext search… in the name of justice” as so many seem to be hell-bent on doing.

i clicked a button that most lemmy users would assume is an anonymous up/down vote and now my name is listed on a 3rd party website saying i “don’t like” something (even though I tried to undo it). #thisisfine ?

you could open the terminal and type ping -c 1 lemmy.ml which will send an echo request to lemmy and see if it replies, and will also tell you what IP address your computer is currently resolving the name to. if it is an IP address other than then you are dealing with DNS censorship which is usually easy to circumvent by using a different DNS server. if it has the correct IP and some error message or a timeout, that would be interesting.

if you want to paste the output of that command here, to copy text from the terminal to your clipboard you can use ctrl-shift-c (instead of ctrl-c like in other programs, because in the terminal ctrl-c by itself sends an interrupt signal to the running program).

what operating system are you using? (eg, mac, windows, linux, android, iphone, …)

lemmy.ml currently appears to be hosted on a French OVH IP address (

Do you know who is blocking it, or why?!

Hopefully it is just DNS blocking, so you could circumvent it by using a different DNS server?

Are you running the software that you want to be listening on that port while you’re doing the test? Are you sure it is actually listening on that port? You can see which ports which programs are listening on with the command sudo ss -tulpn (those options tell it to display tcp and udp listening ports and program names, and to not try to resolve IP addresses into names; see man ss for details).

If you’ve opened the port in your gateway and your local firewall and you’re running the software, it seems like it should work… one possible reason why it might not would be if you’re double NAT’d (eg the NAT gateway you’re configuring is itself behind another NAT gateway). To see if this is the case, try to find in the router’s web interface if it says what its WAN (upstream) IP address is. If it’s something else in an RFC1918 range (192.168.x, 10.x, or 172.16-31.x) then you’re double NAT’d and need to figure out how to configure the outer NAT gateway.

I’m guessing that your computer doesn’t have its own public IP address, so, opening ports on its firewall doesn’t actually make them reachable on the internet yet. You’re probably behind a NAT gateway (eg, the modem/router your computer is connected to the internet via), so you need to open a port there and direct it to your computer.

NAT allows your whole LAN to share a single public IPv4 address, which means that for inbound connections the gateway needs to be configured to know which LAN address to send inbound traffic on a given TCP/UDP port to.

On your linux computer you can find out the IP address of your router with the command ip route |grep default, and then you can browse to that address in your web browser. You’ll most likely need its password (maybe it’s written on the bottom of your router/modem?). Once you’re logged in to its web interface, you’ll hopefully be able to figure out how to use it to open/allow/map/route ports to your computer.

edit: it looks like the URL you’re using to test is referring to a different port than any of the ones you said you’ve opened with ufw, which might be a problem? also, btw, the ufw allow command takes effect immediately - you don’t need to systemctl restart ufw.service afterwards.

via https://superuser.com/questions/1723668/how-to-update-snap-store-linux-how-to-update-this

Good twitter thread here claiming the original one saw a 500% boost in Navy applicants (a number claimed numerous other places but which I gave up looking for a source for after a couple minutes). Meanwhile here is the US Naval Institute claiming that, instead of Top Gun, the late 80s enlistment increase should be attributed to increased spending on recruiting (ignoring that some of that money most likely helped subsidize the film), even though there were recruiters in theaters then too and 90% of applicants in some cities had seen it… and therefore concludes implausibly that the new film’s “effect on the service’s recruiting will probably be small at best”.

it’s always heartwarming to see neighbors coming together for a common cause like this

The fourth one is complicated; the US and China both abstained in the vote, apparently expecting the other to veto, while the USSR voted for him. (His lies about his wartime history weren’t exposed until years later.)

This story really does not belong here in the “ukraine_war_news” community.

The only connection to the war is that they’re originally from Ukraine (but have been in the US for six years) and that someone apparently made a petition supporting them which incorrectly suggests that they could possibly be deported to Ukraine during the war. (By my understanding of US law, they will not in fact be deported until after serving their sentence in the US if they are convicted.)

“Take the chips out of your cell phones” … right, ok, that seems prudent … “especially the international ones, we will give you other chips.” … wat???

(because surely sigint systems are incapable of correlating that an IMEI which was just using a foreign SIM now has a local one?)