• 3 Posts
Joined 5Y ago
Cake day: Aug 24, 2019


It’s difficult not to empathize with the civilians this leaves behind but man, zelensky, just surrender… I said this when the war started and I’m saying it again, he’s holding for what exactly? Personal pride? Just surrender and move on. All of this could have been avoided.

I don’t know what to add that has not been said before, in this thread or elsewhere. But this line was the one that made me want to write a comment:

“It was like a rollercoaster,” Tobias’ daughter, Luna, told me when I reached her by phone. “Always waiting for messages to know if he was okay.”

Tobias went to Ukraine because he saw a girl his daughter’s age carrying an AK in Kiev, and that made him want to enlist. But for what? He left his daughter behind, he might die in Ukraine and leave his daughter an orphan, for an unknown woman he saw on TV that reminded him of his daughter? But you have a daughter right here, at home, that needs you.

Ukraine is not your fight.

I don’t understand what the chain gets out of this rather than just developing an app on a screen?

They’re bombing because Ukraine is bombing civilians in Russian villages on the border, they said they would do this if Ukraine didn’t stop

Lol, I’m also tall and I tend to slouch a bit because I want to be on other people’s level. I think we just have to accept that we’re taller and stand up straight, I have to remind myself.

This might seem petty bourgeois and tell me if you think it is, but I started ordering my groceries over (not from the gig economy but from the chains themselves who use the national postal service to deliver) and I have never moved back. I started doing it because I got into a situation where I did not have my driver’s license at the time and lived in a so-called “bedroom town” with no amenities, and this was the only realistic option.

I have only had benefits from getting my groceries delivered. I get to keep an eye on my budget, I’ve reduced impulsive purchases, it’s freeing up a lot of time that I would otherwise spend waiting in line or navigating the store. I understand that I’m depending on the labour of others to deliver food that I could go get myself but I also think this is freeing and reduces labour (no word on how the deliverers, who work in the afternoons and evenings, manage their own grocery shopping and this would definitely need to be clarified). In this way I’m reminded of Kollontai’s Family and communism about socialised labour.

It also prevents me from taking the car out just to get groceries for myself, although I don’t know if their minivan (they deliver idk how many homes in one trip) is more efficient.

So yeah definitely recommend getting deliveries instead of actually going into stores.

George Orwell’s Homage to Catalonia

Orwell was a colonial cop who later on kept a list of “crypto-communists” and “anti-white” personalities that he gave to the British gov. It’s come to a point where there are serious allegations he was an informant even during his time in Catalonia. That’s the kind of thing I mean by siding with the bourgeoisie. But I am not talking about the Spanish revolution, I am talking about you as an anarchist in this comment section, and more generally all anarchists I’ve met.

I appreciate that. I was simply pointing out that your articles are very poor: either no sources or very shaky sources. You could do a better propaganda job if you put your heart to it

What sources should we have decrying anarchism as what it really is? Any marxist analysis of anarchism will ultimately lead to that same conclusion, quoting someone about it would only be a formality. This backhanded compliment does not faze me or any of our editors; we are not here to appeal to anarchists, we are here as a proletarian encyclopedia. We are a handful of volunteer editors and do not have the means Wikipedia (which you seem to be fond of) has, nor do we claim to. Our recent changes page is filled with edits every day, we’ll get around to adding things to the article on anarchism when we get to it. Decrying it as imperfect and thus faulty does not solve anything; it is better to publish something viable than not publish at all.

Here is the link you were interested in: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/ejercito-zapatista-de-liberacion-nacional-a-zapatista-response-to-the-ezln-is-not-anarchist

anarchists siding with the bourgeoisie against the mean tankies, what else is new? prolewiki is a proletarian encyclopedia, we do not hide the fact that we are marxist-leninists and that we reject anarchism as a petty-bourgeois, counter-revolutionary ideology. You are free to make your anarchist encyclopedia if you want to.

Edit: Zapatistas are not anarchists, and they have been saying that for decades. I know anarchists have nothing else to cling to, but it’s really appropriating to have them keep claiming the Zapatistas are anarchists when the movement themselves have had to put out press releases and articles explaining to please stop calling them anarchist.

You are what I expect someone who calls themselves a wikipedia editor to be lol. Cheers.

lmao okay defend the Ayn Rand libertarian website if you want, what do you want me to tell you?


Are you white and male by chance?

Wikipedia is not volunteer run… They’re using language to make it seem like it’s a little website with a dream being bullied by the mean Russians. Wikipedia is run by its administrators, who do not let anyone else encroach on their power. 3 editors are responsible for most edits (I want to say 90%). Famously there is one editor that edits from 6 am to 10pm every day without fail (mostly pro war edits) , and the most prolific editor worked as a TSA and ICE agent terrorizing migrants.

I am very interested in where these foreign fighters in Ukraine are getting paid though. They are “volunteers” on paper.

Yeah, that’s a very important question. There’s also NGOs now that help them get to Ukraine (not necessarily in fighting roles though, they’re also connecting volunteers for civilian and refugee support).

You can read the UN text here: https://treaties.un.org/doc/Treaties/1989/12/19891204 08-54 AM/Ch_XVIII_6p.pdf (english version starts on page 19), there’s a whole bunch of conditions (that must all be met as I understand it), but the one that comes back the most is essentially about money.

out of respect for our built-in cringe-o-meter, please do not channel your inner haz within 100 feet of lemmygrad. The cardboard it was built from almost broke apart just pointing it at his twitter.

Possibly. But let’s get some perspective too, the two t-shirts you pulled are from the same seller and only 1 unit was ever sold. Those are the only two items on the website when you search for blackface, it’s hardly a widespread problem. Regardless I was able to report the items directly to ali and we’ll see if anything comes out of it. Moreover, Amazon sellers are usually just aliexpress resellers, except their items are 3x more expensive. Amazon is just being a middleman for aliexpress (with the added benefit, perhaps, that your items arrive sooner though I’ve had very good delivery times on ali).

The child did not die in an Alibaba factory but in a seller’s that sells on the platform, as alibaba and aliexpress are just marketplaces.

which is not exactly sounding like a workers’ utopia.

Nobody is saying China is a worker’s utopia.

things like Fairmondo are out there.

Only available in Germany though.

Consumers are not responsible for climate change, and reading the vice article was somewhat funny because now UK retailers that have been racing to the bottom are, once again, being outraced by China and crying about it. They created this commodification (or rather capitalism did, and they were the mere vectors), and now they can’t stop it. While we are in capitalism, as workers we will partake in it. The only way to stop the climate crisis is revolution, but until then there will be online retailers, there will be giants, and there will be labour exploitation.

The war crimes of Zelensky: trying to make a list
- Armed civilians without giving them a uniform. [Breach of Geneva Conventions](https://philarchive.org/archive/YVOUEA) - Ukrainian special forces command said Russian artillerymen will no longer be taken prisoner and will "all be killed for being complicit in criminal orders". Killing surrendering soldiers is a [war crime](https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/customary-ihl/eng/docindex/v2_rul_rule47_sectionb). [Collective punishment](https://casebook.icrc.org/glossary/collective-punishments) is also one. Edit: they have since taken that statement back. I have not. - Did not activate air raid sirens to [warn civilian populations](https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/applic/ihl/ihl.nsf/Article.xsp?action=openDocument&documentId=06805C92A0A4A7A1C12563CD0051C0F9) of artillery and air strikes. People have already died because of this; Russia gave warnings as per protocol which Ukraine did not relay in time. - As per the discovery of biological labs near the border with Russia, there is a very serious possibility Zelensky is guilty of [producing biological weapons](https://www.un.org/disarmament/wmd/bio/1925-geneva-protocol/#:~:text=The%201925%20Geneva%20Protocol%20prohibits,force%20on%208%20February%201928.). The labs have been confirmed by the US gov, but no proof yet that they were meant for biological warfare. - Forcing battles to happen in civilian zones, thus exposing them to danger and [preventing their protection](https://www.redcross.org/content/dam/redcross/atg/PDF_s/International_Services/International_Humanitarian_Law/IHL_SummaryGenevaConv.pdf). - Possibility of using [child soldiers](https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/customary-ihl/eng/docindex/v2_rul_rule136), as the Ukrainian army is now training children to use AKs, during wartime. - Ukrainian forces were (accidentally) caught using Red Cross vans to transport soldiers and materiel. The symbol of the cross itself can only be used by the organisation and is protected under the Geneva Conventions; it can [only be used by medical units](https://www.redcross.org/about-us/news-and-events/news/2020/red-cross-emblem-symbolizes-neutrality-impartiality.html) who must then be treated like civilians. Feel free to contribute. (the list above only reflects crimes Zelensky himself can be responsible for, to the best of our knowledge based on information that comes out of Ukraine. This list is also not legal advice, as only a trial will be able to determine which crimes have been committed and who is responsible for them).

NATO's goal (and by extension the imperialist masters) is to starve Russia out
With the war, they believe they finally have that opportunity to strike at Russia like they have been wanting to for hundreds of years now. What other war led to such sanctions, censorship, and repression of opinions from citizens? What other war led to the belligerent arming their civilians after not even one week of fighting, and conducting recruitment drives to find foreigners to die for them? Ukraine is advertising for people to join! Even Nazi Germany was treated better than Russia is. I'm starting to believe that NATO's goal, and by extension the imperial masters' goal, is to completely, irrevocably, entirely starve Russia out and destroy them like they did back in the 90s. Can you imagine the humiliation the US must have felt when they made sure the USSR was dead and buried, only to have been unable to install a puppet? They've been waiting for this for years, what's happening right now in the "international community" was probably even all laid out in a binder somewhere and they're just enacting the plan.

Content warning: lots of food shown on screen. Stumbled upon this video in my recommended and while it could have been better, I think it's a good way as any to remind people of the state of the food industry today. They know they are making addictive products. That's the whole point of it. Just keep buying chips and when you realise what's happened and you want to lose weight, they will sell you the diet. But by then you've already fucked up your insulin receptors. You've already fucked your brain to associate food with any event in your life. And the best part? Junk food is freely accessible! Anyone, kid or adult, can get a bottle of coke and a burger on the cheap. Perhaps that's why the junk food industry was not really bothered by covid disruptions and kept improving instead? Regarding the video itself I disagree with the conclusion that Amberlynn is "not just" a victim; if there had not been this kind of food around her in life she would have never developed the problems she has now. I also think the video doesn't go far enough. Particularly she doesn't really offer solutions. I was with the creator up until the conclusion, because the explanations were clear and scientific, but by the end it seemed to me she used Amberlynn as a prop to boost her channel and get people to watch other videos. She even admitted she wasn't a professional, but gave that impression when she left that important part for the end. But yes, the science was sound and she got everything right about how junk food works. People are not even taught properly about nutrition, despite the fact that I can explain it in 20 minutes, and I'm not an expert at all nor a professional. So how do we expect Amberlynn to just suddenly start making good choices? She's fighting a very difficult battle because as we've established, she is addicted to junk food that leaves her hungry. Breaking that habit takes more than gumption and a can-do attitude. Does she have the money to pay for experts that can monitor and coach her? Therapist, nutritionist, doctor check-ups, possibly personal trainer for a fitness program. So because she got gangpressed into the train of addiction and junk food, she has to pay tens of thousands of her own money to fix this? Where is the responsibility for the companies that knowingly sell these products? It starts early. You sell Cheetos with an edgy mascot to 8 year old kids and spend millions saying "no don't worry our products are not dangerous haha, we would never do that" and of course parents believe you, because who would be so cruel as to sell drugs to children? They might restrict it to a once-a-week (or month) thing in moderate amounts, and I think that's still too much. It's legitimising them. And once your 8yo is grown up and they get pocket money, where are they gonna go? There is no reason Cheetos or McDonald's should exist or have a right to exist (but say that to pro-capitalists and watch them implode because you deny the free market or something lmao). I mean throughout the 90s the food pyramid was saying you need 11 "portions" (a meaningless term) of carbs per day and put bread as more important than vegetables lmao. It was outright paid for by the food industry and that's what millions of kids that are Amberlynn's age grew up with. Even today, things like the new [food plate in Canada](https://lemmygrad.ml/pictrs/image/TSmv5y3kgJ.png) just says "eat plenty of vegetables" and "eat protein". Like thanks I could have figured that out myself browsing r/fitness for a second. Yet many outlets praised the programme for its "sensible" approach. It makes for a cool instagram picture but this stuff is super easy to math out; why isn't Canada doing that? It's not difficult telling people they need 0.6 to 1g of protein per kg of body weight. You know how much you weigh, and you can give some approximations like 200g of turkey meat is 50 grams of protein. And that's their job done. They don't care if you actually follow their recommendations, they just want to put them out there. It's your individual responsibility if you don't follow their washed-out "advice". So you turn to paid programmes like Weight Watchers or V-shred (lmao), because you pay for them so they must be good, right? In capitalism money talks. And they don't explain any of the science behind food, they just give you "points" that you use up arbitrarily every day. Just count your calories with Lose It or My fitness pal, it's free and much easier than whatever Weight Watchers is peddling. They don't even have an interest in helping you, because if it works, you will leave them. Cost of acquisition is very high, it's much cheaper to get clients coming back after acquiring them, so even with obesity levels going up year after year they're still better off keeping you on the programme than finding new clients. This is not limited to the food industry but I'm pretty sure everyone here knows this already lol. The only step is to abolish capitalism. Nothing short of that will stop abusive practices. If you wanted yet one more example that we are literally dying to keep the gears turning, this is one. If you have similar problems with food, something that has helped me was just not having it in the house. Can't want it if you don't have it. Best of luck.