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It’s probably the US pressuring them. This is an economic war between the US and Russia. The US will revitalize it’s economy with expensive exports to the EU.

It’s the EU pressuring Switzerland. Due to their position as a non-EU landlocked country, bordered only by EU members (especially Germany and France, the two powers of the EU), Switzerland feels obligated to follow everything the EU decides, though usually by enacting their own laws rather than adopting EU regulations (allowing them to pull out of them). The EU is only a proxy of US power, but we see the nests of imperialism.

Maybe, but the sanctions against Russia only benefit the US. I mean, Germany isn’t even going to follow a lot of them. I also feel a lot of these sanctions are just for show.

For posting news about NATO’s wars in Ukraine, Serbia, Kosovo, and The Middle East, including anywhere else NATO is currently engaged in hostile actions. As well as anything that relates to it.


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