Investors are paying millions for plots of land — but not in New York or Beverly Hills. In fact, the plots do not physically exist here on Earth.

Reminds me of second life in its time, this is nothing new. What’s the metaverse actually? I thought it was something facebook was trying to do after naming their company Meta.

I think it is literally a buzzword to justify taking the attention away from Facebook recent very bad press, and turn it towards the new name and other considerations. And it works. Attention being limited, filling it with something push the other subjects out. Look, here on Lemmy, a rather leftist space, and in my social circles, also pretty left and anticapitalist, hi’ve heard much more about the metaverse than about the recent controversies around Facebook knowingly cutting most employees from sensitive informations about the platform pushing forward radicalization and complotist content. This move is impressive in it’s effectiveness.

They’re probably aware of the Facebook controversies but are interested enough in the rebranding to talk about it. No need to overreact.

is it better or worse that they arent buying real real estate?

At least they’re not throwing poor families on the streets.

Vegafjord eo

Watching the video, it seems like cnbc is trying to advertice metaverse. Just look at the news anchors excitement.

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