• 5 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Feb 19, 2021


This also means that phones need to be connected to the internet at all times, downloading stuff in the background… users are giving up control at an alarming rate

It’s the equivalent of owning random crap in your house you never use, except it’s not in your own private space, but occupying public space that can’t be used by other people anymore since someone already “claimed” it, just because they had too much money to waste (and no social responsibility at that)

IT’S A TRAP! But it’s a good example to unmask the shadiness of subscription models in general: Once you fall for it, the scammers latch on & are hard to get rid of again.

What they’re selling here is basically a SaaS, since the earbuds simply stop working as soon as you stop paying (I doubt they got it settled legally though).

The article is more about incomprehensibility than inaccessibility, but the point still stands

Yarn & wool aren’t exactly cheap… but once you put in some more effort, maybe it gives you a reason to cherish every piece of clothing & wear it as long as you possibly can

It’s only offensive if it’s meant to be offensive

I mean you’re free to call it GNU as long as it refers to GNU & nothing else

I downloaded Lemmy out of curiosity when it was featured on F-Droid

This is the Orwellian nightmare thoughtcrime/doublespeak come true & just a sneaky way to silence workers entirely – I mean who is gonna memorize this list of words? Instead, you’ll only be scared of saying anything, since it might be forbidden

Unfortunately, the work laptops are also used for remote work.

I’m currently using Thunderbird, but when Gmail stops supporting it, that’s just another reason to replace Google services altogether.

It’s hard to quit Gmail if your workplace uses it as its main mail provider though

I don’t miss anything about Jerboa but a search function for posts/topics

A generation that grew up with Google is forcing professors to rethink their lesson plans