• 33 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Mar 25, 2021


anyway, this is too expensive. I am hearing for the first time about a laptop dedicated for machine learning.

I am a pretty tall guy, so I tend to slouch a lot. People always tell me about my bad posture. I have done really nothing to fix it. Waiting for suggestions from other people.

hmm it would be great if I could open this community link on lemmy.ml automatically without having to go to sopuli

Yep, the entire description should not be shown. Maybe hide the description in with a read more button?

What do you think?@dessalines@lemmy.ml

Yes. The creators you interact with more will be given more weightage.

ThioJoe used to create those fake convert ps3 to ps4 videos and increase your internet speed by wrapping router with aluminum foil.

This is a really impressive work from him.

If you try it, leave a reply on a how well it works.

I don’t have any ios or tvos things.

yep, cinny is great client that has a look similar to discord.

I would like to see matrix clients/clones that also cater more to discord users.

So you want to see a client that works with both discord and matrix? Is that what you mean by that? Discord seems to not like third party clients.

What about bridging a discord room to matrix?

I think you don’t really understand how p2p works and why it is important.