Signal is to privacy what duct tape is to a broken item - it solves your issues and concerns, but you shouldn't expect it to last. Instead, consider Matrix.
  • Matrix has no SMS support, it is a weak argument but it is one because some people prefer All-in-One Apps instead of installing 1000 apps.
  • You can use Signal with burner Sim, the old argument … but but it uses your phone number is nonsense.
  • You can use Signal forks that work without phone number like e.g. Molly.
  • It is correct that Matrix uses AWS, azure and co. as servers, however the metadata impact those servers can see or use or abuse is not given. This is proven, same like that the code is considerable good enough. From what I know the Matrix clients … none of them nor the protocol got audited.
  • Skipping each time a new player pops up instead of fixing the existent protocols and clients is not for everyone a solution.
  • Most Matrix clients, at least on Desktop suck, it ends up with using alternative clients and then there is the problem of fragmentation and that those clients might even be more insecure or do not implement all feature.

I use both Matrix and Signal and they both suck in terms of usability and alternatives clients with better GUIs and resource usage.

Claiming over and over and over Matrix is the solution when it is not and had multiple times already incidents is cringe. There is metadata leakage, there is the group chat encryption problematic and and and, I do not even mention all problems. It will take years to address all of this.

You can use Signal with burner Sim, the old argument … but but it uses your phone number is nonsense.

It’s not that easy to get anonymous SIM-cards in many countrys. Also it’s just incredibly inconvenient and insecure. (enables easy impersonation)

But yes most matrix clients (and servers) suck big time.


You can buy SIMs online via Monera and Bitcoin.

It is really that easy, I do not post websites because it is a gray-zone but Google it and you find entire phones without SIM tracking and websites connected to it selling only the SIMs. Every scammer use this method.

How is that insecure if I may ask. There is no attack scenario, SMS is simply not designed to be secure, you know that before you can send something. Impersonation is on all anonymous networks like Session a problem, this is not an exclusive SMS or Signal problem. God knows how many CHEF-KOCH fakes I already encountered on Telegram and Session. I stopped counting.

Also secure networks like Session do not stop someone from data exfiltration attacks or if you leak information yourself others can use against you. SO those networks and so-called alternatives are by no means any real alternative, Signal is designed for friends, not strangers. My friends have my real-name and my phone number, not sure about your friends…

Great article and it is strange that Moxie doesn’t really like Signal forks using their servers. Isn’t what Moxie doing against the license of the project?

Signal is great but as written in the article there are problems with it. But the great thing about Signal is that it is really simple to use and there is nothing to really set up.

Element on the other hand has a kind of complicated UI. I am fine with the UI but I often hear new people complaining about it.

The matrix protocol is great and I love the decentralised aspect of it.

If you install the app on another device, sometimes old messages in an encrypted room won’t appear and then you have to request a key from another session, get the device verified, etc. This process is kinda difficult to understand for me.

Matrix is awesome, but guys try to not use the one node out of thousands( choose another node of people you trust, also avoid using other than that… matrix FTW.

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