• 14 Posts
Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Dec 29, 2019


i don't really know what else to add, might have been an honest mistake, but tbh it sounds ***very*** suspicious 🤔

no, refuse to elaborate

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phone keyboards are so small, that, in my experience, however good they are, it’s basically impossible to type quickly without mistakes, so i always have autocorrect turned on on my phone

however, i compensate for the diminishing knowledge of spelling by turning off autocorrect on my computer, works fine 🤷‍♀️

well, i hope you’re right in the sense that this entire thing is actually a negotiating tactic, however, i can’t help but still remain pretty worried

i guess we’ll just see what happens, bc we will probably have a relatively certain answer soon 🤷‍♀️

russia is a country with the most number of nuclear weapons in the world, being extremely sensitive about any border disputes, fueled by an unfortunate self-perpetuating symbiosis of a large portion of the population being nationalistic being catered to by an equally nationalistic autocrat…

no sensible country would touch such an explosive combination country with a long pole, let alone try to invade, which would virtually guarantee mutual destruction with nuclear weapons…

your comment is clearly formulated in a way so that my reply to it should give my reasons why i believe russia is likely to invade ukraine, which isn’t bad in any way of course (formulation, not invasion), but, i’m afraid there’s not much i can offer besides the existing satellite pictures, convoy footage, articles and other news coverage, intelligence of other countries etc, which you no doubt have already seen

don’t get me wrong, i, more than anyone would like this whole thing to turn out to be a too-far-taken negotiating tactic for russia’s demands to stop expansion of nato, bc i have ukranian friends who are likely to get drafted, some of my closest friends in russia were at risk of being drafted even before this whole thing started, i myself could get drafted in the event of a war

i would be really happy to be able to look back at this comment in a year and laugh at how ridiculous this whole thing was, but, one thing we’ve learned is that we’ll never fail to be surprised by the kind of fucked up shit a crazy, nationalistic autocrat with zero oversight catering to a nationalistic population can do…

guys about to be invaded by russia and they’re protesting nato/us imperialism? priorities??

don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory

thank you reddit for singlehandedly curing my reddit addiction with their awful redesigns lmao 🙏🙏

embedded windows


is creating your own proprietary platform locked graphics api like a fashion trend nowadays?

yeah, title is not appropriate, if not misleading, it’s definitely incomplete

doesn’t worldwide just mean news from countries all over the world (including the us), doesn’t necessarily have to be anything specific that applies to all countries worldwide, no?

😎😎😎 giving away my private data to mozambique for free just to piss off the us 😎😎😎

on #HumanRightsDay

yeah, they’re not even hiding it, what is a disgrace

that’s devastating, on human rights day no less 🤦‍♀️

hopefully he’ll be able to appeal this decision

if he ends up being extradited this will be the biggest fuck you to journalism (and like basic human rights) worldwide by fascist pigs in the uk and the us, hopefully the british public will do something about it

ppl be like

excuse me, why is this completely new tablet that runs linux designed by small startup in china not price competitive and isn’t as good as this tablet from a company that’s worth trillions of dollars and has been designing tablets for a decade 😡😤

hey, that’s cool

i’m not even looking for anything open source necessarily, just a powerful desktop computer that doesn’t idle at 50 watts and consume more power than a toaster

/c/privacy is looking for moderators
greetings everyone, there's already >3.5k members here, not all of them are active obviously, but there are still a lot of posts on this sub, and even more comments, i can't really meticulously go through each and every one of them if you are somewhat active in this community, and have been on lemmy (or one of the other instances) for a few months, and would like to dedicate some time to moderating this community, please pm me :)

Looking for maintainers for /c/matrix, /c/firefox, /c/linuxmasterrace and /c/archlinux.
Hi everyone, upon signing up for Lemmy I thought that I had some interesting content for which at the moment there was no appropriate community (so I created one). Later, /u/dessalines brought this issue up in [this](https://dev.lemmy.ml/post/30590) post, I realized that I hadn't posted in quite some time in these communities. I suppose that at the size at which Lemmy is right now, it's is in a way a mods job to populate the respective communities with some content, as so far honestly speaking there isn't too much to moderate. So if you're interesting in the topic of those respective communities and would be willing to maintain them, please message me.