elementary founder: "I might take some time off from Linux or join another community maybe"

It’s a pity that promising projects like Elementary OS collapse due to economic issues. Clearly this would not have happened if they had been able to implement a sustainable business model, but are they going to be able to compete head to head with Microsoft and Apple in the field of operating systems?

I mean, Windows not only has a monopoly, but also has the backing of many other US companies that boycott the GNU/Linux community (Nvidia, Adobe…). It’s a shame that this has happened, and I hope that at least someone will take over Elementary OS so that the same thing that happened to Antergos doesn’t happen to it :(

Here’s another aspect of how crappy Lunduke is, as he literally always has been (seriously, I saw that guy speak at one of his first “Linux Sucks” talks IRL and he was fucking awful then too, I don’t know how people never picked up that he was a massive asshole). Danielle deleted those tweets because they contained sensitive information about Cassidy’s exit negotiations. It’s just crappy to both Danielle – on top of being a fucking transphobe – AND Cassidy to dredge them up from the Internet Archive anyway.

EDIT: I do like how Lunduke’s bootlicking ass admits at the very end that he can’t tell the difference between what’s right and what’s legal. Since the terms were published anyway – Cassidy has the legal right to do what he’s doing, but he’s still being an asshole about it. The first purchase agreement was totally reasonable especially for a project that’s likely to die. His revised terms make it clear he’s now just trying to bleed the project for money.

Listen here you stupid f@got. Lukeduke is the perfect human being. Imagine a mermaid, naked, sucking your dick, milk leaking from her nipple begging to lick your ass hole. Luke is better than that.

Vegafjord eo

Why dont open software have a proper funding model? They are one of the most popular distros for christ sake!


This all depends on how big their team was, especially during the economic downturn from the pandemic.

Other companies seem to be doing ok with the linux desktop, for example linux mint (which seem to continually increase revenue) and pop os.

Their patreon donations have been declining, I Fear that some of their design decisions are just not attracting users (If not getting them to leave), that leads to less users and therefore less donations.

At least for Pop, the main funding stream is System76 computers, not Pop itself. It makes me a little nervous about the prospects if other companies start to move in more aggressively to the Linux consumer computer market. Personally, I just bought a Framework laptop that I might install Pop on, but none of that money is going to maintain Pop. I like Pop, so I don’t feel too great about that.

You could either donate to help Pop’s development or use its more community oriented upstream distro Debian.

Donating is a good idea, but it doesn’t necessarily fix things as a systemic issue.

@libre_warrior what would you define as a proper funding model?

Vegafjord eo

Open software are in the interest of people. People should fund these projects. But our funding model does not put emphasis on bringing the grass roots to open software, therefore we end up with neglishable funding.


That would be nice, but unfortunately most people are more likely to fund streamers, podcasters, and youtubers than FOSS developers.

Honestly? I’m surprised it held out as long as it did. When you have to jump through hoops just to get commonplace applications like GIMP or Firefox installed, then your distro has a problem.

They wanted to create their own walled garden and in the end it made their distro kinda unusable. Very nice UI/UX but nothing else because the whole experience was so limited.

Man, Lunduke can create some good content every once in a while, but fuck that guy.

He can’t even proceed to tell news without disrespecting Danielle’s transition and consistently calls her by her old name.

Never heard of this person, this is not a very great first impression on their part

Just for a bit of context, this guy is mainly famous in the Linux community for his “Linux Sucks” series he used to do annually, with a light-hearted but pinpoint approach to tackling the main problems with the Linux desktop in general. That is, until the pandemic hit. Then he just unleashed his inner fascist that was probably always there.

Then his content became mostly complaining about “woke culture” mainly in Mozilla and the GNOME team, “cancel culture” after the whole schtick with RMS and his behaviour and probably his worst take yet to this day, reducing Linus Torvalds himself to a “vaccine passport company employee” when he yelled GTFO to another guy spreading misinformation about vaccines in the Linux kernel mailing list.

tl;dr the guy got famous for good content and then became publicly the complete ass he probably always was


Lol. Now its fascist to be against woke culture and more in line with traditional values

removed by mod…pathetic…apparently I’m sparking to much controversy.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Linux is a family of open source Unix-like operating systems based on the Linux kernel, an operating system kernel first released on September 17, 1991 by Linus Torvalds. Linux is typically packaged in a Linux distribution (or distro for short).

Distributions include the Linux kernel and supporting system software and libraries, many of which are provided by the GNU Project. Many Linux distributions use the word “Linux” in their name, but the Free Software Foundation uses the name GNU/Linux to emphasize the importance of GNU software, causing some controversy.


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