• 2 Posts
Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Jun 26, 2020


In your comments you show that you know a lot about free software, programming languages and the Fediverse in general (I have learned a lot here thanks to people like you) and you seem like a friendly person :D

You usually make very interesting comments about open source software, you are very friendly with the community, and you contribute a lot to Lemmy. So yeah, imo you deserve it :)

These are for me the most interesting users to read about (among others, I mean I would put more, but the list would be too long!)

This is useful, I will try it on my computer. Thanks!

Is a free and open-source desktop environment for GNU/Linux operating systems. https://wikiless.org/wiki/GNOME?lang=en

This is the announcement: https://www.hexbear.net/post/159221

And yes, Lemmy’s developers want to integrate emojis too (check this tag for more info)

You mean something similar to XULRunner?

It’s a pity that promising projects like Elementary OS collapse due to economic issues. Clearly this would not have happened if they had been able to implement a sustainable business model, but are they going to be able to compete head to head with Microsoft and Apple in the field of operating systems?

I mean, Windows not only has a monopoly, but also has the backing of many other US companies that boycott the GNU/Linux community (Nvidia, Adobe…). It’s a shame that this has happened, and I hope that at least someone will take over Elementary OS so that the same thing that happened to Antergos doesn’t happen to it :(

Oops, you’re right! I didn’t notice it until now. I have corrected it, thanks 😅

Café Marx and The Deprogram. Café Marx is a podcast from Spain that gathers a few Marxists to discuss and debate about some topics related (or not) to Marxism. The Deprogram is also Marxist-leaning, but the format and contributors are very different.

Manjaro one of the worst? Are you kidding me? lol

The fact that it consumes so few resources is great, but I think it’s a bad idea that he’s writing it using unsafe languages like C++ and C. He could have used Zig instead of C and Rust instead of C++.

Microsoft is Finally Ditching Electron
*The senior vice president of Microsoft Teams announced that Teams would be moving to their own Edge Webview2 Rendering Engine ditching Electron for seeking performance gains. It is marketed that Teams would consume 2x less memory as a result of the transition. It would be called Teams 2.0 and might ship with Windows 11 in late 2022.*

Firefox has better performance and RAM usage if you disable accessibility services!
publicado de forma cruzada desde: https://lemmy.ml/post/78544 > It's probably well known at this point, but it doesn't hurt to spread the word further. Disabling accessibility services in Firefox (both on desktop and mobile, but specially on mobile) helps **A LOT** with performance and RAM usage. > > Just set `accessibility.force_disabled` to 1 in `about:config` and enjoy the up to 20% less RAM usage and 5% less CPU usage (at least in my not so detailed testing on my laptop). > > In my case my system went from 7.9GB to 5.2GB with the same tabs and windows open and from 25% to 20% CPU usage while having one of those tabs playing a livestream. > > Quoting one [of the comments in the Reddit thread I found this out](https://www.teddit.net/r/firefox/comments/p8g5zd/_/h9t67h5/?context=1) to why this isn't disabled by default: > > Accessibility does not start by default, but it starts lazily if another piece of software on your device starts requesting accessibility features from Firefox.\ > \ > Unfortunately a lot of third-party software likes to do this even though they have nothing to do with assistive technologies. > > You can also [vote on this bug in Bugzilla](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1726887) to help it get solved faster.