For those who don’t know me, my name is Henry and I’m the CEO of Techlore — a team with the goal of spreading privacy to the masses…
Helix 🧬

Written on fucking medium

By a CEO of a ‘team’

Arthur Besse

👎 👎

wish i had more thumbs so i could give this bile a 3rd 👎


I’m incredibly discouraged at the privacy community’s inability to come together for a losing fight. […] The sheer lack of empathy in the privacy community is astounding, I’ve never seen anything quite like it. Developers attacking other projects to protect their fragile ego, people new to privacy being shamed for not knowing everything out the gate, users pushed to feel regret because of their conscious (and commonly educated) decision to stay within the Apple ecosystem and work within its limitations. The list goes on.

This is something that I’ve been echoing for quite a while now. Lots of people completely divided. We need marginal increases in privacy for the masses as opposed to extreme life changes for the few.

yeah its pretty shit, but its probably also a result of the very successful public campaigns to portray anyone interested in personal privacy as a tinfoil lunatic.

privacy advocates growing weary of being attacked and ridiculed, inevitably turning nasty themselves.

not saying its justified, just trying to identify the roots so we can hopefully fix them. all of us may sometimes be at risk of falling into these traps.


I don’t understand why people are saying what they are about Techlore. It is a great channel, run by an amazing group of people. The people commenting clearly don’t know anything about Techlore as if they did, they would know that everything they are saying makes no sense.

Because the article is asking them to aknowledge the issues with the way they act, the way we act, and they don’t want to do that so they get mad.


This dude writes stuff like this just to fracture the ‘community’ even further. Stuff like this and his graphene video just come off like whining and it does no good for anyone. There is no ‘privacy community’, its just a topic and people have differing opinions which this guy can’t seem to wrap his head around.

Its quite the shit show and they should just stop.

Congratulations for saying the thing I have been saying for 2 years at this point via r/privatelife. And I think I have succeeded to a good extent infusing into the privacy crowd the importance of threat modelling and compartmentalisation.

I do not want to beat my own drum, but I want to be selfish about this one thing – when the privacy community started being defeatist and overly paranoid and misguided, I foresaw the wrong things going on that I had to tackle, and I knew someone had to do it.

The elitism, the gatekeeping, the closed source grifters, the over paranoia… this stuff is like cancer tumour and needs to be eradicated from the roots of privacy community. And while there can be a few leaders, what we need is a pro privacy libre culture. And only a community with good moral conscience and correct ideals can do this together.

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Privacy has become a very important issue in modern society, with companies and governments constantly abusing their power, more and more people are waking up to the importance of digital privacy.

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