• 20 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Dec 07, 2021


onixd is a cross-platform desktop client built for Subsonic-API

FLOSS alternative to subsonic, supporting its many clients

Is this completely open source? Pretty sure AdGuard is a for profit company.

A minor Ymuse update codenamed 0.19 Ukraine 🇺🇦 is released. Ymuse is a client application for the Music Player Daemon.

Brave sucks in general. It’s has too much bullshit built in. Yes you can disable it but easier to just use a better browser.


Seems to be. Dude is a cancer on the Linux community.

Xe challenged me to a 1v1 fite irl fox only final destination no items

Stopped reading after that brilliant take

Scaling on Wayland doesn’t work for me so X11 is here to stay until that gets fixed

Scheduling service which optimizes Linux's CPU scheduler and automatically assigns process priorities for improved desktop responsiveness.

China remains as tied as ever to fossil fuels, even as it adds more renewable power than any other nation. Last year, the share of coal and gas in power generation was stuck at 71%, the same as 2020.

You can always use a libreddit instance. Change reddit.com in the URL to libredd.it. I have a local instance and use the Privacy Redirect extension to make Google search results use my local instance instead of the actual site.

Yep. Lots of jerking off over screenshots of wallpaper and neofetch.

Same on the AUR. Although that’s no guarantee the voters read the PKGBUILD 😁

Same here and I’m appreciating it greatly!

Indeed. Please don’t clone Reddit’s bad habits here.

Not all that surprising. Putin is positioning himself to weather future NATO sanctions after he occupies Ukraine.

A Meme Mocking Protesters is the Latest Chapter in the Portland Police Bureau’s Fraught History
The slide was discovered while documents were being reviewed as part of a lawsuit filed against the city in connection with the 2020 protests.

Doesn’t really seem like they kinda thing that warrants an entire distro but ok.

Not a “back door” by my definition. The title of the article makes it sound like these operating systems have had a back door built-in in and it was only discovered now.

Assuming they don’t have an entirely new inhouse OS in the pipelines that they’re planning to replace Darwin with.

They created their own CPUs. A new OS doesnt seem out of the realm of possibility.

At least with Android there are alternatives. Hard to say about iOS.

Please don’t turn this community into a clone of /r/Linux with memes.

I’m more curious about what they contributed rather than how many lines. The article doesn’t seem to take this into account. If they’re just contributing a bunch of drivers for their own hardware I don’t see how it’s “good for Linux”. The article makes it sound like Hauwei is running kennel development.

Does the latest Firefox even run on it? BeOS was gone by the time Firefox was just being (re)born.

This is really a great piece of software.

A new report chronicles the staggeringly unequal distribution of carbon emissions tied to the ultra-wealthy's lifestyles.

ESP Web Tools allows you to manage ESP8266 and ESP32 devices in the browser: install new firmware, update firmware, connect device to the Wi-Fi network, visit the device's hosted web interface and add devices to Home Assistant.

Sonixd is a cross-platform desktop client built for Subsonic-API (and Jellyfin in 0.8.0+) compatible music servers. This project was inspired by the many existing clients, but aimed to address a few key issues including scalability, library management, and user experience.

It always erks me too see people recommending Lenovo Thinkpads as if they’re some kind of friend of Linux when they’re are companies like System 76.

The recent activity around x86 (x86_64 included) straight-line speculation mitigation handling is set to culminate with this security feature being set for mainline with the upcoming Linux 5.17 cycle.

I believe WINE uses a timed release model, meaning this isn’t necessarily a ‘major’ release.

Metadata within a file can tell a lot about you. Cameras record data about when and where a picture was taken and which camera was used. Office applications automatically add author and company information to documents and spreadsheets. This is sensitive information and you may not want to disclose it. This tool allows you to view metadata in your files and to get rid of it, as much as possible.

Starting with kernel 5.17 the kernel supports the builtin privacy screens built into the LCD panel of some new laptop models.

When it comes to the state of packaged web browsers for Debian GNU/Linux, unfortunately it leaves a lot to be desired at the moment and for those wanting to be secure and up-to-date it can mean resorting to proprietary or un-packaged browser builds.

These videos just seem like trolling/clickbait.