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Cake day: Oct 02, 2020


Absolutely fucking not. Let me pay safely (privately) and we both win.

This is an asymmetrical arms race involving an abhorrent industry.

Ad blockers are a self-defence technology by nature.

yeah its pretty shit, but its probably also a result of the very successful public campaigns to portray anyone interested in personal privacy as a tinfoil lunatic.

privacy advocates growing weary of being attacked and ridiculed, inevitably turning nasty themselves.

not saying its justified, just trying to identify the roots so we can hopefully fix them. all of us may sometimes be at risk of falling into these traps.

any idea why it does this? feels like they’re up to something sketchy.

microsoft incompetence, while plentiful, only explains so much

not to nitpick, ‘core’ parts of that cpu were licensed. not saying they didn’t do a good job with it, they certainly did.

how the conversation should go “so you fuckers were making millions off these projects you refused to support?”

i think you’re mad, but at least you’ve laid your rationale out openly which i have to respect.

will avoid debating any of the points since it sounds like you’ve made up your mind

but one comment: i realllllly doubt windows data collection is anonymized in any meaningful way

fascinating idea, i’ve always felt POSIX had the right core for this. but always wondered if a bsd or other kernel would be a bit more appropriate (don’t get me wrong, i’ve enormous love for linux)

wonder why they went for linux with this

pretty fair rundown, the only exception being i think they’re too generous with this

for a for-profit corporation, it is not abuse but playing by the rules—optimal utilisation of resources to generate profits

profits cannot and should not only be measured in $ value, it should always also be measured in value to humanity.

everyone has this responsibility, and the more power an entity has, the more this responsibility should be met

exactly, there’s insane exploitation going on… yet the headline is “opensource is broken”???

how about “fathomless corporate greed is breaking everything”?

The problem is that you need a good meta-data system that will allow you to track what was linked into each binary

Fantastic idea! This would be a really important project to see developed!

if needed, whats wrong with static linking?

Great discussion. One critical thing is libre alternative to GPT3 or similar.