
  • 2 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Dec 26, 2021


That makes sense, thanks for your reply!

Are virtual cards not pointless?
When you buy something online, you obviously need to give your card details, which are tied to you. Virtual cards solve that, but, in the UK (and I think most places) you also need to provide a **billing address**. I don't think virtual card providers give you a masked billing address and I doubt you will be able to use a PO box with most banks to try and prevent fraud. Because of this, can online purchases still be linked to you even with virtual cards?

Anyone know it there is a privacy-friendly YT Shorts frontend?
I doubt there is as its quite specific but I want an Android app that works similarly to the shorts tab in the official YT app but without all the trackers, ads, algorithms, etc. Kinda like NewPipe, but with a nicer way of browsing shorts. There is YT Vanced but I don't know if that removes YouTube/Google's trackers or not. If anyone can help that would be awesome!

No, VeraCrypt only offers full-disk encryption on Windows

Awesome! Still waiting for a dedicated GPU though…

I don’t understand why people are saying what they are about Techlore. It is a great channel, run by an amazing group of people. The people commenting clearly don’t know anything about Techlore as if they did, they would know that everything they are saying makes no sense.

In theory, yes, an algorithm that shows me the posts I will like most seems great. However there are many obvious problems with big tech’s implementations.

Short answer: probably.

Long answer: Its hard to tell. Their privacy policy doesn’t really mention it, however it does say they store some “biometric” data, not a clue what it refers to though. This data could be leaked in some form of data breach. I would recommend emailing them ( as they may be able to help more.

Awesome site! I think it will be very useful for beginners to go through at their own pace and help them understand what each suggestion will won’t do.