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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Feb 20, 2021


Electron apps is essentially running web apps wrapped as a desktop version.

worse even: it includes different copies of chromium in each app

I use florisboard so there is no dictionary suggestion whjch is, as you said, hard to tyoe correctly. I find it frustrsting and sometimes too tired to correct them unless it’s absolitely unreadsble

As for cross platform, there are Element and FluffyChat. There is also nheko I can recommend for desktop and cinny on web. Here is a comparison between different clients fyi.

If you don’t insist on matrix, Snikket might be a good option too.

Installing an OS is hard. That’s why most people don’t do that

I can’t wrap my head around the idea of letting some other country’s military have bases in your country.

Are you saying there’s no Chinese corporation? 🤔

I think the ones without a word separator should be gone, because it’s harder to read

Fennec also has about:config support. It’s a firefox feature that’s removed “because it’s dangerous for users” 🙄

Signal is more Odysee-like if anything, not federated and having crypto bs builtin.

I mean, the code is on the server, you can’t know if they’re really using the same source code anyway

These advertisements are removed as spam (see modlog) so I’d report it as such

Kurzgesagt don’t release their video under a free license, and all the peertube instances I know don’t allow unauthorized copying, so I guess there won’t be one.

Why isn’t the store Diskover and the file manager Eksplore tho? 🤔