• 19 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Nov 19, 2021

Protect Lemmy against DDOS
Hi, I wonder what are suitable methods to protect a Lemmy instance against DDOS attacks. For example, can we use Cloudflare? Or it could break the federation? Any ideas/suggestions?

That’s a simple relate.

Ukraine has right to self-determination, but Donbass not.

Russia has not the right to make a war, but Ukraine has (against his own people, at Donbass), and USA has too(Iraq, Syria, Vietnam, etc.).

Ukraine can have NATO bases, but Cuba can not have soviet bases?

The Ukrainian war is unacceptable, but Yemen war is OK.

USA Empire has forced this war, using Ukraine as its sacrificial lamb.

Putin is not worse than Biden. And not better than him. Russia is not worse than the USA, and not better. Just power games where the common people loose, on both sides.

Believe in god vs bad speech is just believing in all this bull shit ;-) And going happy to wars where, at last, current people lose their children and their present.

We are not talking about “all things Russia could do better”. Because people are not talking about, for example, all things USA could do better, like not support Yemen war, Syrian war, Libyan war, Somalian war, Israel civil genocides, Iraq war, Afghanistan war, etc.

We are talking about geopolitics. The real reasons. Not the moral reasons that people think (really??) their governments attend.

For Russia:

  1. Bad option: Ukraine invasion, USA Empire sanctions and punishment actions. Finally, Ukraine will be a demilitarized state “supervised” by Russia.

  2. Worse option: Ukraine become a NATO member, USA military bases and army there (do you remember about Russian base in Cuba, and the crazy risk of a nuclear war in the sixties? ), Donbass open war but from a NATO member…

Please, before talk about the Russian evilness, just think about similar actions of USA empire and how the free ( lol ) world has reacted to them ;-)

It’s not a good vs bad guys fight. It’s about geostrategic and world resources’ domination.

That is what USA has forcing, using Ukrainian people as the main losers / victims. Like many times before, the geopolitical game has used its sacrificial lamb, and like many times it has been the common people.

Russia has not started this game. It has been forced by the long term planned scenario where Russia has only a bad option or a worse option to choose.

Climate Crisis Font
This font spells out collapse in no uncertain terms. > The font’s design is based on data from the National Snow and Ice Data Center (https://nsidc.org) and predictions provided by the IPCC (https://www.ipcc.ch/srocc/). The heaviest font weight represents the minimum extent of the Arctic sea ice in the year 1979, when satellite measuring began. The lightest weight represents IPCC’s 2050 forecast, when the Arctic sea ice minimum is expected to have shrunk to only 30 % of the 1979 extent. publicació creuada des de: https://lemmy.ml/post/117910 > cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/69424 >

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/106962 > La disponibilidad de diesel hace años que desciende. Ese diesel que necesitan los camiones que llevan los alimentos y todo lo demás a las ciudades > > Mientras, nos venden el esplendoroso futuro de las smart cities > > PD: no podemos fabricar camiones eléctricos > > https://crashoil.blogspot.com/2021/11/el-pico-del-diesel-edicion-de-2021.html > > Luis Glez Reyes

La disponibilidad de diesel hace años que desciende. Ese diesel que necesitan los camiones que llevan los alimentos y todo lo demás a las ciudades Mientras, nos venden el esplendoroso futuro de las smart cities PD: no podemos fabricar camiones eléctricos https://crashoil.blogspot.com/2021/11/el-pico-del-diesel-edicion-de-2021.html Luis Glez Reyes

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/106822 > Here you are: https://lemmy.ml/c/lowtech@collapse.cat > > There are some more related communities (Collapse, energy crisis, environmental emergency) available at Lemmy.ml: > > https://lemmy.ml/search/q/collapse/type/Communities/sort/TopAll/listing_type/All/community_id/0/creator_id/0/page/1 >

Here you are: https://lemmy.ml/c/lowtech@collapse.cat There are some more related communities (Collapse, energy crisis, environmental emergency) available at Lemmy.ml: https://lemmy.ml/search/q/collapse/type/Communities/sort/TopAll/listing_type/All/community_id/0/creator_id/0/page/1

Salimos de excursión con el geógrafo y alpinista Eduardo Martínez de Pisón: "La nieve artificial no funciona, muchas estaciones invernales se han vuelto inviables"

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/53632 > You can now grab lemmur from [f-droid](https://f-droid.org/packages/com.krawieck.lemmur/) and the [Play store](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.krawieck.lemmur). > > If you want to follow lemmur releases/news checkout the [repo](https://github.com/krawieck/lemmur) and/or follow the [!lemmur@lemmy.ml](https://lemmy.ml/c/lemmur) community. You can always support the development on [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/lemmur) or [BuyMeACoffee](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lemmur) > > PS. We do not flavor our releases: github release tab, fdroid, and play store apks are built from the same source code. Feel free to download lemmur from any place you like.

Col·lapse: Collapse, climatic emergency, peak oil, etc.
Collapse, climatic emergency, peak oil, etc.

ISSUE: Broken documentation links
Links to Moderation Guide and configuration file here are broken: https://join-lemmy.org/docs/en/administration/first_steps.html