The web raccoon 🦝

Activity CS Student
Interests art / tech / science
Banner Photomontage by me (Original pic by shi chenxi)
  • 8 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Jan 25, 2021


Just tried and it’s just doing ls in the directory passed in the arg 🤔
edit: alias cd="ls ${1} && cd ${1}" works tho

How to add signature on aerc
I'm trying to use [aerc]( as my main email client but I don't find how to add automatically a signature to my mails. Does someone know how to do that?

I made a python script (Yup I’m bored lol)

import random

with open("adjectives.txt", "r") as f_adj:
    adj = f_adj.readlines()

with open("nouns.txt", "r") as f_nouns:
    nouns = f_nouns.readlines()
rand_noun = nouns[random.randint(1, len(nouns))].strip()
rand_adj = adj[random.randint(1, len(adj))].strip()
rand_number = str(random.randint(0, 100))
print(rand_noun + "_" + rand_adj + "_" + rand_number)

Idk, you could try to find a list of noun, a list of adjective and then make a lil python/bash script that randomly generates a nickname. (There might be an easier solution tho)

Wow thx, the minimal solution is really cool!

Is there an alternative front-end for Twitch?
I'd like to watch some streams but I don't really wanna go on Twitch's website directly.

And way older. Let jerboa grow before telling such things.

Damn, I can’t wait for this to happen in France! /s

Wait, there are countries where YT require ID?! wtf

I’m so lost when nano pops up.

Yeah, that’s why I think it could be nice to have mods in different tz, to be able to act as soon as possible.

Idk if have mods in multiple tz but if it’s not the case it could be nice to consider it.

Isn’t it supposed to block IR or something to block facial recognition? Because just making them reflecting light will just make you more “fashion” imo

Then you must carefully choose your VPN and blindfully trust that they’re not logging anything about you.

It’s a nice app! I still prefer the Lemmur’s UI but it’s cool to see another app on the market :)

You are the one who seems not knowing what he is talking about.

cross-posted from: > [Olvid](, a secure messenger, is finally open-source! They said before the end of 2021, well it's really *just* before the end but it's there. > They released the source for their Android and their IOS app.

[Olvid](, a secure messenger, is finally open-source! They said before the end of 2021, well it's really *just* before the end but it's there. They released the source for their Android and their IOS app.

Is there a transport assistant website?
On my phone I use [transportr]( but I'd like to be able to have a website that does the same thing to be able to check transport schedules without ads or any tracking bullshit on a computer. so is there a transport assistant website?

Is there a good alternative to imgur ?
I don't really like imgur but it's cool to upload your picture just at one place so I'm wondering if there's any nice replacement to it.

I just created [!]( Feel free to share anything related to 3D there!