I usually go to reddit and copy the first username that I see. Is there a quicker way to get a username like noun_adjective_number?

I use my password manager (keepass) to generate a “phrase” and use that as name.


You can use the linux command pwgen to generate usernames. With the right arguments, it generates almost pronouncable names of random syllables.

pwgen -A01 [<length> [<amount>]] is the general syntax. -A01 makes it so that you get all lowercase without numbers and one username per line. The <length> parameter lets you choose how many characters your username should have and the <amount> parameter lets you choose how many usernames it should suggest.

Example: 5 usernames with the length of 10 characters:

$ pwgen -A01 10 5

Idk, you could try to find a list of noun, a list of adjective and then make a lil python/bash script that randomly generates a nickname. (There might be an easier solution tho)

I made a python script (Yup I’m bored lol)

import random

with open("adjectives.txt", "r") as f_adj:
    adj = f_adj.readlines()

with open("nouns.txt", "r") as f_nouns:
    nouns = f_nouns.readlines()
rand_noun = nouns[random.randint(1, len(nouns))].strip()
rand_adj = adj[random.randint(1, len(adj))].strip()
rand_number = str(random.randint(0, 100))
print(rand_noun + "_" + rand_adj + "_" + rand_number)

I wrote code for that before, for generating file names in a utility application, and I don’t know about you, but it surprised me how easy that was / how perfectly fine the results were.

I always thought the big webpages with such name generators had sophisticated algorithms to make the adjectives reasonably sensible with the nouns and then huge word lists to ensure randomness and such.

And then I did it with like 20 animal names and 30 adjectives, and all I ended up fine-tuning was to swap out a few of the words for more interesting ones (e.g. dog -> chihuahua, good -> fabulous).

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