Ad-tech company Glance promises users will “consume what is shown to them.”


Glance’s app is a full-screen takeover of the lock screen. It looks a lot like a generic swipe-heavy social network, like TikTok or Snapchat Discover, but it only shows content from Glance. Imagine if every time you turned on your phone, you were first presented with an auto-playing video from a popular off-brand TikToker, and you get the idea. The company’s website promises “unparalleled reach” and “authentic engagement” from its captive audience. Naveen Tewari, founder and CEO of InMobi, gave a rather dystopian description of his company’s strategy to Forbes India, saying, “Consumers will move from seeking content to consuming what is shown to them.”

Well, I use a PinePhone, so I wish them good luck with that.


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Alright which one of you brainiacs is gonna help me get a Chinese phone


aliexpress comrade.

What Chinese phone do you recommend? I’m thinking Huawei, wdyt?


I’ve used Xiaomi’s for years, highly recommend.

Thank you! Are there any limitations to what apps can’t be installed?

IIRC some of Xiaomi phones aren’t supported by US carriers (I’m not sure about other “global community” countries) though.


Anything works, its android, and you can install f-droid of course.

The problem isn’t installing apps. It’s that if you need apps that rely on Google services they might not work properly or even at all.

Xiaomi isn’t very ethical. Fairphone will do it better with their fair trade. If you don’t have the money, you can change your OS or get a second hand smartphone and help the environment and combat the slavery work. At least with smartphone we can do it.

Out of curiosity, what do you mean by “not very ethical”? Predatory corporate practices?

  • All electronic devices (all chips in computers, cars, smartphones and more stuff every time) are build with resources extracted from “not ethical” places which means slavery, mafias, interests like this war that Putin is doing (wars are about resources). They extract those resources at very cheap cost, the factory is normally also on china because it’s cheaper the transport than paying a decent salary.
  • The process to make chips also requires to consume a lot of resources to build them. (like a lot and a lot of water to clean them perfectly)
  • Those devices normally comes with spyware often used to spy you. And we all know what they do with the data they collect, they know how to manipulate us and prevent any riot or create it. They own the media, they own your data and they have all the tools to wash people brains with nationalism and creating conflicts to keep people distracted, the same as giving us the perfect jobs to waste our time so we don’t have that time to protest for our rights or for those bad stuff they are doing.

That’s my point of view, you want a more deep detail.

Wait, I’m still confused, sorry. What you describe seems to apply to pretty much any electronics manufacturer, not just Xiaomi. I was specifically asking about them, do they stand out in some fashion?

Sorry, I got confused too, what you are asking can be found if you go to a search engine and type “xiaomi spyware”. Xiaomi is just a Chinese company, don’t expect them to care about privacy, they don’t see that as a right of their users, and they do what Chinese government wants. Same with any USA product, by law they are enforced to do and not talk about it.

Thanks for the elaboration

I’m not an expert on Xiaomi, but if you take your time to type that on the search engine, you will find a lot of experts about different topics about it.

Will do

What smartphone brand would you recommend?

I already said Fairphone.

For example, with a ethical OS would be

This is mostly in Europe as it gets or got subventions from Europe. Those smartphones are expensive for the specs they have but that’s because they are paying fairly the resources and manufacturing.

If you want to know more about the smartphone:

The OS is open source, a project to help people to get privacy easily. They even have Tor network built in.

Look up ‘rugged smartphone’ on aliexpress.

I’ve been using Meizu for years although I consider other options for my next since their prices have rosen and they almost entirely removed the 3.5mm jack (deal breaker for me but maybe you’re fine with it)

Custom OSs are gonna explode if that shit actually happens and there’s no way out.

On the plus side, it’ll make surveillance capitalism and user-hostile design more visibly obvious

However, instead of custom Android distributions or even Linux phones, I predict this will more likely increase iPhone sales instead

Yeah I think for your average person, iphone sales will increase if this does happen. For geeks and people who feel capable, you’ll custom roms and linux phones etc.

A headline below that i will drop here without comment:

Florida once again has giant calamitous snails that spew parasitic brain worms


An average Thursday, then



This also means that phones need to be connected to the internet at all times, downloading stuff in the background… users are giving up control at an alarming rate

Convenient timing with that carrier offering a limited amount of ‘free data’ so long as wi-fi is disconnected.


I’d actually switch to apple if this happened 😢

Better to install a custom ROM like LineageOS to save money and remove spyware

I don’t know what that is, but if it lets me keep my android then good :). I have way too much music downloaded onto my phone to be happy to switch over to apple.

You’d have to back up your data, but if there’s an official build for your phone (if you let me know what model you have, I can find out), it’s typically quite easy, even if you’re using Windows

it’s the S8!

Seems like there’s an unofficial build by a “recognized developer”, so it’s likely high quality. Unfortunately, I don’t have an S8 to test it, so I can’t guarantee how well it works. I do have another Galaxy S model with LineageOS that works well for the most part

I see, I see :). Thank you! I have free time tomorrow, so I’ll give this doohickey a look.

Just make sure to back up your original OS before installing, in case something goes wrong. It should be part of the instructions, but let me know if it isn’t

Also worth mentioning that doing this might trip some security mechanism on the phone, which could decrease its value if you wanted to sell it with the stock OS

No thanks. I need my phone to work instead of consuming 10 hours a month for troubleshooting custom ROMs.

Trump was elected many years ago, you are living in the past.

I’m now very curious what the connection is between Trump and the comment above

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