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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Apr 23, 2022


No thanks. I need my phone to work instead of consuming 10 hours a month for troubleshooting custom ROMs.

It’s more of a symptom of the problem than the root cause. A system that places the needs of landlords above all others is the root.

Not everyone has the luxury of living in a 3,000 sq ft house with room for two full sized washer/dryer combos. These stackable units are great for apartments, you know, the type of home everyone should be living in.

We finally kicked uniformed cops out of a few parades, only to have them replaced by fascists promoting foreign Nazis.

Sure, your people live longer, healthier lives. But your billionaires only have 1 yacht, and it doesn’t even have a helicopter pad.

Anyone who takes their religion seriously is dangerous. You can’t really say that a Nazi satanist is more of a threat than a Nazi catholic. Especially given the history of Nazi Catholics. We’ve literally never had a fascist government that was satanist.

In case you were wondering, the democrats voted in lock-step for this bullshit, and that includes the alleged “socialist” Bernie Sanders 🤮

Get rid of the landlords and cap rent at 10% of after tax income.

Just saw gas for literally $6/gal in Florida. A Florida resident with an F250 is paying far more every week for gas than someone in California with a Corolla.

You definitely can’t afford a car at all on minimum wage.

The Russian victory plays right into the plan. Now the narrative becomes spending hundreds of billions on new weapons all over Europe. Maybe they’ll even get their dream of a trillion dollar missile shield that won’t work and might provoke ww3.

Purdue addicted a nation to oxy and the family got to keep their billions. Capitalists live by different rules.

With Texas, in particular, everything you need to know can be asked by asking a 17yo Texan about the Alamo. They know everything about it, except that it was about defending slavery.

He upstaged Biden with that jacket and his overall Chad essence. Definitely a political win for the proletariat.