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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Dec 02, 2021


Custom OSs are gonna explode if that shit actually happens and there’s no way out.

Long term has never been one of their strong suits. Probably a “now we finally own everything and can divy up the remains.” I see a lot of these “people” being those neolib types that think the only way to save the earth is to kill most of the humans. Like how there’s legit people that think the Thanos snap thing was a good idea. Except in this case they are controlling who gets killed off. “All the poors.”

So hear me out here with my massive tinfoil hat. I think the oligarchy is in the process of getting all their affairs in order so they can hide away in their various safe havens around the globe and then kick off nuclear war to wipe the rest of us out. All this inflation shit is just them sucking up the last bit of resources they can before taking off.

Are there a lot of holes in this idea? Yes. Is it completely unreasonable to believe the richest human on earth would gladly kick off a nuclear Holocaust in order to eliminate most of humanity and the rule over what’s left? I personally don’t think so.

So I think all this goading and poking is all just means to get Russia to be the ultimate bad guy so what little of humanity is left has a bad guy to point at. Again I know how insane this sounds but it’s like the only thing I can think of as to why so many countries are just being bat shit insane right now.

I’m all about the fall of the west but it will not end the xenophobia, racism, sexism, etc. It will decay into fascism as it was always intended to do. That’s why the police force of the US has a budget that would make it the words third largest military and it’s sole purpose it to keep it’s citizens enslaved by the oligarchy. Most of the libs will fall in line when the police start mass shooting protestors. The only way I see the US not being fascist is if outside forces actually defeat them and also manage to avoid nuclear war.

Amerikkka. Where the cops help the school shooters kill more kids and firefighters show up just to roast some marshmallows.

It is. lol. What do you think “family watches as firefighters let their house burn down because they didn’t pay up-front” is? Collapse isn’t some instant thing where one day everything hunky dory and the next day it’s mad max cannibalism. The countries been in a state of collapse for a couple decades. It’s just we are getting into the late game now.

See the thing is… They don’t actually pay most of the actual citizens enough to live here either.

Tuesday was red. Wednesday was all green and everyone on the GME communities was saying the same thing. “This is the pump before the dump tomorrow” and “You all ready tow watch tomorrow’s rug pull?” Meanwhile MSM is crying that markets were rallying and encouraging retail to invest. Say what you will about those guys they have some impressive insight into the market. At this point I keep up with them just to watch as this shit collapses in real time.

Reminder also that the U.S. relocated Nazis bioweapon experts to Plum island and are the reason West Nile virus, Nipah virus, Rift Valley Fever, and Lyme disease exist.