“wheat is capitalism. brown rice is socialism. and then when you have white rice, that’s communism”

I’m not a man, I’m not a woman. I prefer masculine terms.

I’m a student of Marxism-Leninism.

I’m over 20.

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Mar 28, 2022


The problem isn’t installing apps. It’s that if you need apps that rely on Google services they might not work properly or even at all.

*Watches the movie Dumplings but doesn’t understand what a fictional story is* wtf WTF

Awful what companies can decide to do to chronically ill and disabled people. It should be illegal.

They weren’t joking when they said that disabled people face dystopic levels of suffering under capitalism. Pay to live, pay to see, pay to reduce pain, pay to breathe.

The Fly and Strangers on a Train. Strangers on a Train was wild, I enjoyed it.

if you seed like one thing, or each thing for like just a moment then it’s no big deal. whenever the torrent is finished, just delete it from your list of downloading torrents and you’ll be fine

Greedy! Seed your torrents as long as you can!

Seeding is the best part of torrenting. I love seeing that other people have downloaded my favorite pieces of media (and stuff I had to wait MONTHS to finish downloading) from me. It’s like, what’s mine is yours my friend <3

Just torrented two movies today. No idea if I’ll ever get to watch them. I’m doing my part o7

“You can share hope with one Ukranian online today for only 3 cents.”

I’m sorry but that’s so funny