Ukraine’s high casualty rate could bring war to tipping point
Analysis: Kyiv’s fighting strength is stretched, yet Russia could now benefit from a pause in fighting

Seems like copium is finally running low.

Jokes aside though, we’ve suspected numbers like this for a long time, but seeing them confirmed like this is shocking. Western delusions and chauvinism are murdering Ukrainians at an industrial rate. Being Western estimates they’re probably still lowballed as well.

Can’t find it right now, but iirc the BBC today reported Russia - excluding the PRs - suffered about 3.5k deaths total in 4 months. Still tragic, but Ukraine’s suffering that every every 3 weeks tops. Insanity.

It’s funny that the thought of Ukraine comprising has sent libs into a hateful tailspin. They are willing for Ukrainian lives to be sacrificed as long as the bad guy doesn’t win.

Zelenskky said his dream is to retake Crimea after retaking everything else. That would an extremely bloody conflict. At the very least, settle that Crimea will always be Russian from now on. But no, he’s surrounded by a bunch of rabid dogs who just want endless war with Russia.

The whole scale of the impact this has on Ukrainian civilians is often overlooked in the media. 4+ MILLION people fled the country. Up to a thousand people a day seem to be losing their life.

This is enormous. These 4+ million people have to go somewhere in the future. Will they go back to a destroyed or possibly annexed country? Will they remain in Poland who suddenly has to deal with millions of extra civilians? Will they be spread out among EU countries? That already have a huge problem with refugees? What will they do with the current refugees (many of whom are not white)? Shit will hit the fan in Europe. And the right will try to get even more ground because of it.

But Pootin bad so keep this war going, right libs?

Great point and honestly thinking about it now, I can’t see a future for those refugees or future rump Ukraine, period.

Ukraine will likely lose its access to the Black Sea. It will definitely lose the East, which means almost its entire industrial base and natural resources. It has lost and is continuing to lose a substantial amount of its workforce and consumer base. The women and children have fled, the men are getting killed and wounded. It will retain a traumatized, beaten, crippled and old rump population.

And this remaining rump Ukraine, a corrupt neoliberal oligarchy even before the war, will be hit with further shock therapy (as per Von der Leyen calling for Ukraine increasing its attractiveness for investment today) and be plundered till eternity by all the debt and war leases it’s accumulating currently.

Oh and as cherry on top we flooded this place - filled with radical lunatics as is - with untrackable weapons.

Yeah no, those refugees will have no choice but stay away. Material support for them will diminish as the libs mind starts to attach to the next thing. The refugees will become increasingly disillusioned with the West as Ukraine will be dropped and abandoned eventually. Weapons and instability from rump Ukraine will permeate all of Europe eventually.

But hey, have you seen that new meme of Putler with makeup xddd haha eww Russian man gay

Honestly, the result like that was obvious since the beginning. Wars of that scale never can go with only a couple of people killed a day. The only question was - how many exactly.

Oh for sure. Everyone with half a brain, so literally anyone not rabidly cheering for Ukraine, knew this was happening from day 1 and that this would the cost of Western arms supplies dragging out this slaughter. The only people cheering for this were dumb as libs “supporting Ukraine”. Even staunchly pro-russian channels were aware of this tragedy and had more compassion for these losses than Western libs.

Still shocking seeing these numbers confirmed imo. 20,000+ entirely pointless causalties per month is just staggering. And the worst is still to come in the closing Donbass cauldron.

Let’s not forget civilian casualties too. No matter how careful you are (and nazis are clearly not) civilians will get blown up on mines, die of diseases and lack of basic goods such as medicine and food. We won’t know how many actually were lost there for a long time. Probably a lot more than the whole population of Donbass.

Absolutely true. It’s worth mentioning though that, from what we know so far, this war has seen exceptionally low civilian casualties compared to the scale of the conflict. Close to a million people under arms involved in this war, massive artillery barrages, lots of urban combat, hundreds of missile and air strikes across the country. Yet even the Ukrainian Prosecuter Generals Office today published about 280 children have died since the war started (no idea if they counted those in the PRs) and some 500 injured. Now every single one of them is a tragedy and one too many. It’s still almost unbelievably low in a war like this. And I’ve seen this number float around for some weeks now, so it isn’t really rising apparently.

This also illustrates just how fucking deadly sanctions are. A couple months or years of sanctions are orders of magnitude more deadly. Almost 4 months of conventional war, urban war with hundreds of thousands of fighters - 280 dead. A couple years of sanctions - 500,000 dead.

Unfortunately that likely means the worst and deadliest time is still to come for Ukraine due to the material disintegration of the country’s infrastructure and economy. The food, medicine shortages you mentioned will be the real killer and we all know the West will spend a minuscule amount to relieve those compared to the insane arms supplies now.

It btw also shows how little regard the US has for civilian lives in its wars.

I seriously doubt Ukrainian data, especially considering that they never had the chance to count anything in Mariupol. This one whole city was the hottest point of clash and there were many, very many civilians who got in-between clashing sides just because they had no chance to evacuate safely for the most part.


What did they think would happen?

They went to war with Russia after swinging their dick at them while NATO egged them on from the sidelines and now this.

It’s so sad because if the west hadn’t kept Ukraine going with empty promises of support they might have sued for peace or something sooner and waaay less people would be getting continually fucked.

Didn’t Boris Johnson say that he wouldn’t support Ukraine negotiating peace and said they need to keep fighting (using their civilians as meat shields)?! Like wtf that’s not your county dickhead!

I don’t remember the exact timeline, but that’s basically what happened around the Istanbul negotiations. Reports started coming out the Ukrainians were getting ready for concessions regarding Crimea and the PRs, neutral status, the Russians pulled out of Northern Ukraine and then suddenly all negotiations broke down followed by massive arms pledges by especially the UK and US. Reportedly Boris, like you said, told them they had to stop if they wanted further supplies.

Same thing seems to have happened right at the start of the war. Russia came in all over the place with deep operations, threatening all major cities and forced the Ukrainians to come to the negotiation table asap. As we know those broke down after Western promises, among one of the negotiators getting executed.

This carnage could’ve been prevented so many times over the last 8 years, but the nationalist forces in Ukraine and the broader West just couldn’t help themselves but to escalate further and further.


NATO and Nationalism, what a pair.

8 years of murder, Russia making several attempts to negotiate and resolve it while NATO and Ukronazis spat in their face.

I didn’t know about the Istanbul negotiations so that’s interesting, thanks for educating me 😊

NATO should have to foot the bill for rebuilding the Ukraine.

Fuckin barking bastards.


100 fucking %

It’s difficult not to empathize with the civilians this leaves behind but man, zelensky, just surrender… I said this when the war started and I’m saying it again, he’s holding for what exactly? Personal pride? Just surrender and move on. All of this could have been avoided.


I said this to a friend, he’s sacrificing his people for his own fucking ego.

I’m sure his ego is a big part of it, but at this point it’s likely his domestic Nazi allies would take him out if he surrendered. So I guess ego, and a bit of self-preservation? What a shit leader.


He fucked around and now he’s finding out.

Or he knows if he surrenders; the REAL Ukrainian state will have him murdered. He is a fuckin dead man talking.


Be interesting to see if he flees to America afterwards.

Oh sorry “extracted” is the terminology they use for that.

For posting news about NATO’s wars in Ukraine, Serbia, Kosovo, and The Middle East, including anywhere else NATO is currently engaged in hostile actions. As well as anything that relates to it.


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