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Cake day: Jun 29, 2020


Tell you a secret. Being in the military is deeply radicalizing one way or another. I dont recommend it though.

Shit. This made my day.

Hearing neonazis get fucked royally by the Russians is pure cake. removed made yankees getting fucking deleted is the god damned cherries.

Yeah, at that point I would be amazed if Russia didnt just level all of west of the Ukraine after that.

After that, it wont be a deNazification mission, it will be a straight up erasure of the Ukrainian state in totality. We would be talking decapitation missions. Not even dead generals, but targrted politicians and thought leaders.

Or he knows if he surrenders; the REAL Ukrainian state will have him murdered. He is a fuckin dead man talking.

NATO should have to foot the bill for rebuilding the Ukraine.

Fuckin barking bastards.

With all due respect; their opinions are both immaterial and they both need to stop pretending that there is a version of the imperialism they condemn that isn’t necessarily expansionist and militarist.

Either the USA is trying to take over the world or they aint. And evidence suggests that they arent sitting around being defensive like Russia and China does.

How many tines does Europe and America have to prove to the world their entire existence is nothing less than a deliberate provocation at every moment?

PSL is wrong and going by their attitude; if they were in Russia’s driver seat; they would roll over and show belly while Russia got surrounded by advanced NATO weapons until the safest option they would have is to split up Russia just to save lives.

It is past time we should be talking about NATO as the existential immediate threat to humanity it actually is.

Im from America. The inflation freaks me out. God almighty! I hope Russia wins AND the Donbass gets a chance to execute yankee mercs.

FUCK. I hope every proud little squealing yankee settler shit on reddit feels it deep in their bone marrow.

May China settle things with Taiwan and if any settler mother fucks makes that difficult, then I hope every one of them ends up feeding. SCS wildlife and their families never see them again.

Beat westerners until they become good, productive people.

To hell with America specifically.

Yeah. They would rather tolerate piles of child corpses and cope than do anything about it.

40 billion can be 40 HIGH END highschools or several hospitals in hard to reach rural areas on America.

Or it could… I dont fucking know, bolster SNAP to help many Americans weather the price gouging of food.