DankZedong ☭☭☭

I only work in theory

‘E questo è il fiore del partigiano, morto per la libertà’

  • 3 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Mar 23, 2022


I always ask the ecofascists who we should kill and, surprisingly, the answer always starts under the border of Spain and Italy and east of Poland for some reason

Most EU countries have corruption but the further West you go the more you call it lobbying and consultancy. But for some reason Ukraine’s corruption has always been a big highlight in their EU acceptance journey.

That’s honestly one of the most concrete conclusions I can come to right now. Adding Ukraine to the EU can be because of a few things:

  1. Symbol politics to tell your people ‘we tried’ when it eventually fails;
  2. They join, and then what? War and kill everyone? Do nothing and see what a joke the EU is?
  3. Have them join asap to prevent Russia from pushing further? Seems the most reasonable outcome for the EU.

But I can absolutely see the elite of the world doing a speedrun any% on getting us all killed. But why? What’s left for them afterwards?

Because even without a war there is no way Ukraine would have gotten in with their corruption and far-right extremism. But now they’re also at war.

I really wonder what on earth the EU wants to get out of this

I’m sorry but I don’t understand your comment. Is this a critique on my post and should I reply? If so, what exactly do you mean lol.

If only a man with a beard predicted that this is how capitalists try to beat down workers' bargaining power...

This shit is the number one reason I started taking up fighting classes again. I’m in no way a violent person but, as we’ve seen many times now, coming up for your rights will get you in violent situations. Your enemy is not going to roll over and neither should you.

The whole scale of the impact this has on Ukrainian civilians is often overlooked in the media. 4+ MILLION people fled the country. Up to a thousand people a day seem to be losing their life.

This is enormous. These 4+ million people have to go somewhere in the future. Will they go back to a destroyed or possibly annexed country? Will they remain in Poland who suddenly has to deal with millions of extra civilians? Will they be spread out among EU countries? That already have a huge problem with refugees? What will they do with the current refugees (many of whom are not white)? Shit will hit the fan in Europe. And the right will try to get even more ground because of it.

But Pootin bad so keep this war going, right libs?

Inflation is inherent to capitalist greed. Prices are set by one group of people only, and that’s the employers (or capitalists, whatever you want to call them). Prices going up is because they choose to raise the price.

Don’t let them fool you. Raising the prices hurts their ‘customers’. They know that. But they will have a few tools to deal with that as well. They will say they don’t want to raise the prices, but they HAVE to, they are FORCED to (because their costs went up, or the governments taxes went up etc). They act as if they, the ones setting the prices, don’t have any influence over said prices. They act as if we, the common people, and them, the 1%, are somehow in the same boat and that these inflations just suddenly appear from nowhere. That’s not true. They set the demand and they set the price. If I sell toothbrushes and I want to make more profit, I produce less toothbrushes to create an artificial scarcity. I can then set my price higher in order to make more profits.

The number one reason why companies raise prices is simple. It’s to make more profits. If you raise the price you might sell fewer, but you sell fewer at a (much) higher price. It also means you have to buy less, you need less employess you have to pay. Oftentimes companies actually hold back in producing in order to set higher prices (hello oil companies).

Inflation is part of the class war between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. It’s meant as a tool to squeeze whatever is possible from the proletariat for the benefit of the ruling class.

Don’t even for a second think the oil companies in this picture are seperated from the war and are sad about it. This war created a ‘shortage’ in oil which has been really helping the oil companies story about how they needed to raise the prices because of the war and oil shortages. It’s just to make more money. That’s all.

He’s saying it as if he is doing all the work himself. Mate you have thousands of employees and slaves working for you. All you do is shitpost on Twitter. Delusional cock flashing fucker.

Man’s out here on a communist site saying that as long as you have money to force your victims into settlement, you should not have troubles later in life

This is such bullshite reasoning mate. The victim was bribed by one of the most powerful men in the world. By no means can you ever tell that she made a well-thought-out decision when she accepted that money and signed a NDA. If she later on feels that it was unacceptable what happened to her and wants to speak up, she absolutely should.

What are you saying man? I didn’t say anything of what you mentioned lol.

She could be the queen of England for all I care. Abuse is abuse.

Yes. Everyone deserves to be treated the same. Having money should not prevent you from being held responsible.

Edit: I think I know what you mean. I don’t say she’s stupid for signing a NDA. It’s bullshit that she has to, and that she has to be bribed to not tell what happened. That’s highly unethical.

Interesting. Personally I don’t agree with buying your way out of sexual harassment. By no mean can we assume this person is not forced to accept the money, especially considering Elon Musk is one of the most powerful men in the world. She has every right to come out with this story, signing a NDA is bullshit.

And one of the most powerful person in the world sexual harassing someone? I think that should have an impact. Why not? That’s a crime. Normal people don’t buy their way out of it either. Why should he?

This behavior is part of why they get this far. You’d have to be insane to actually want to be a billionaire, given the abuse and exploitation that’s needed for that. No sane person would be able to cope.

That’s why so many people in power do these things. They have no moral compas or empathy.

Libs: 'I'm willing to look past his slavery, bigotry, defemation statements, manipulation, but I will also absolutely look past his sexual harassment!'