The revolution will be won in thigh highs and fluffy jumpers ✊️ (they/them) 🟨⬜️🟪⬛️ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 01, 2022


Oh god it’s the corporate art style to boot!

If you hadn’t made it explicitly clear these were different companies I’d assume it was the same site.

What a fucking grift by the design firm though. Millions just to type their company name in Calibri. Maybe I need to get into this field of work.

And they say capitalism breed innovation. All those new logos are the fucking same.

He’s a pilot, not a military general/coordinator. What authority does he have to comment on any of this?

Lol I never thought I’d read a “The American Conservative” and be like yeah fair play.

“Even when I was a lib” is exactly why I turned down an RAF funded uni degree.

Even as an abused and brainwashed tory child I had the moral compass to decide bombing random people based on the whims of government or my superiors was fucking insane.

Military worship is weird.

Isn’t this tantamount to cultural genocide of ethnically Russian citizens in Ukraine?

I wonder if the libs and Western leftists are gunna jump on this or quietly ignore it? 🤔

This is what happens when evil people control idiotic people. Utter nonsense like this is considered factual and accurate.

You can see the cope and justifications to this immediately:

“The Russians made him say this under duress!!” Etc etc.

I think westoids forget that Japan’s insane economic success came at the hands of essentially no tax on exports thanks to the US/WTO and not because they “got thrifty” after WWII.

That plus their famous work ethic and their ability to invest in R&D to take western inventions and improve them gave them an incredible opportunity to succeed.

But they are capitalist, and we all know that infinite growth isn’t feasible. I mean they’ve got an aging workforce, they don’t help working women and families with childcare reducing workplace participation.

How this comes as shock to any economist baffles me because the writing was on the wall for any layman.

If anyone knows better or more let me know but I’m just regurgitating the points I picked up from uni.

Be interesting to see if he flees to America afterwards.

Oh sorry “extracted” is the terminology they use for that.