Where does the Linux Foundation spend the rest of its $177 Million in revenue? Let's take a look.

I urge people not to make a personal witch-hunt out of it.

If you disagree or agree, fine but keep the personal stuff out of it.


ah yes, let’s take seriously the guy that spent the last two years being a literal COVID denier and the same guy that reduced linus torvalds himself as a “vaccine passport shill” with a post made exclusively to make inclusiveness look like a waste of money from the Linux Foundation

What does a COVID denier have to do with anything? You’re trying to remove his credibility with unrelated opinions. That’s not helpful.

If I were a physics professor and doubt the existence of dogs… what would that matter to my physics research?

I’m tired of people trying to find an excuse to listen to other opinions.

the problem would be if the physics professor were using his research to reach a conclusion that nudge the public view towards eugenics (it’s hard to stay in the example in this case, but hear me out)

the problem isn’t the guy’s findings, but what he makes of it

if you read the post again you’ll see that he uses the title to bait readers into thinking the foundation spending in projects towards diversion in software is a waste of money because it isn’t going directly into the linux development itself

You’re changing the topic. You’re saying he is using clickbait, yet you try to steer people away from this post by giving unrelevant information that is controversal. This is not an inch better imo.

I’m all in for calling out bad articles, but not like this.

The guy himself is terrible but that doesn’t mean he’s wrong. Also, Linus is also an atrocious example of a human being.

at least linus understood how the way he treats people sometimes is wrong and seems to be doing a better job at communicating, while lunduke just went straight into “IT’S ALL THE LIBS’ FAULT REEEEEEEEEE”

This sounds very much like a smear piece. For a list of projects receiving funding see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Foundation

Very biased

This article says more about the author than it does about the linux foundation.

Their stated purpose is:

to support, promote, protect and standardize Linux and other open source software and technologies.

… so it sounds like they’re doing exactly what they’re supposed to be doing. Just because an idiot might read the name “the linux foundation” and conclude that their activities should be exclusively confined to “linux-ey stuff” does not make it so.

If you’ve never been on the “excluded” end of exclusive practices then the DEI stuff is fairly unfulfilling, but this type of research and reporting is absolutely what a non-profit should be doing to support open source and build more robust and effective communities.

Author also doesn’t seem to understand how organisations like this are funded. They receive donations for specific projects. If they don’t undertake the projects they don’t get the money.

If you disagree or agree, fine but keep the personal stuff out of it.

No, Lunduke needs to be purged from free software spaces. The dude’s entire schick is moving energy and attention that should be focused in projects and getting people excited on using free software into his goofy little cult of personality. He’s been a joke for over a decade trying to force his way in to Linux media

This write-up feels a little too politically biased. But aside from that, it does seem like a disproportional use of funds for an organization that makes millions and whose primary goal is Linux. It would be nice to see a better breakdown of funding.

I mean it is lunduke, he does go off the rails abit.

Kino Eye ☭

If this is true, I don’t get what’s so bad about it. Like, oh no, the Linux Foundation supports a lot of open source projects alongside the Linux kernel, how dare they!?

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Linux is a family of open source Unix-like operating systems based on the Linux kernel, an operating system kernel first released on September 17, 1991 by Linus Torvalds. Linux is typically packaged in a Linux distribution (or distro for short).

Distributions include the Linux kernel and supporting system software and libraries, many of which are provided by the GNU Project. Many Linux distributions use the word “Linux” in their name, but the Free Software Foundation uses the name GNU/Linux to emphasize the importance of GNU software, causing some controversy.


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