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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Mar 29, 2021


Couldn’t this always be done by the developer using their own CSS via GtkCssProvider?

This write-up feels a little too politically biased. But aside from that, it does seem like a disproportional use of funds for an organization that makes millions and whose primary goal is Linux. It would be nice to see a better breakdown of funding.

Grub going down the right column. I also see df and wc in there! Never thought of doing this but I will from now on. Fun! Thanks OP!

Fish is my favorite. I can barely do without it. Only downside is some bash commands don’t work on it without modification.

But I’m also having a ton of fun right now with xonsh which lets you use python and bash together.

With his setup, I’m amazed that anything is working at all. It’s impressive that it’s working as well as it is.

And yeah, the false expectations part. It’s a pitfall for most people. It would actually be really interesting to watch someone who only grew up using Linux try and switch to Windows. I wonder how much more or less confusing it would be to them. That would be a good way to compare what is a true problem and what is just expectations. Windows has tons of quirks and bad design that people have normalized and learned to live with and have become non issues.