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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Jan 23, 2021


On the DDG’s subereddit, they’ll call you a Putin Russian bot if you question the holiness of DDG. I advise against it.

Not surprising coming from DDG (yes, i know they use bing, but other search engines using bing don’t have that issue, because those alternative search engines actually know a little bit what they’re doing).

DDG is a joke and considering the amount of money they seem to be pulling in (to be able to afford those large and long ad campaigns in major cities around the world), they are very, very shady.

So it’s worth billions is what you’re saying? Intrisically highly valubale cos of scarcity? i’m in!!!

Have you not been paying to attention to “the West”? The West-can-you-imagine-if-we-ever-intervened-in-another-country’s-elections-or-if-we-invaded-a-country-just-because-we-don’t-do-that? That West?

Yes, China is holier than the West. Even if you only go by “illegal invasions by capita”,

Yes but can I get rich off of it before losing all my savings due to a Lithuanian exchange’s “technical difficulties” during the cashing out phase?

Or is it even less consequential than a Reddit gold?

You cannot possibly call out China’s state media lack of neutrality (as if it wasn’t expected anyway) as if your own state media (or non-state for that matter) had been any more neutral.

Would argue they’ve been just as bad if not worse.

Hell, all the largest media companies (yes, Meta, Twitter and co are de-facto media companies, the way they’re built and the reach they now have mean they have more influence than your standard news media organisation) have gone out of their way to make sure that the rules against “calling for someone’s death” don’t apply if you’re talking about a Russian. Could it be more obvious than that?

The guy himself is terrible but that doesn’t mean he’s wrong. Also, Linus is also an atrocious example of a human being.

It’s not true. Linux still can’t mount my micro sd cards. No matter what I do. macOS and windows both can without a single issue.

I use pixelfed and I think it’s a fantastic project. But it desperately needs a mobile app. The mobile website if you can call it that is just not functional.

“We support the us sponsored revolutions” is the bad part. Try and be a revolutionary in the us whilst using proton mail and see what happens.