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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Jan 29, 2021


Point releases, and only the long term stable ones for servers, rolling for desktops.

If you want to use Debian with a rolling release, you should be using Sid and not Testing, namely because Testing is the next release’s branch and lags behind Sid at times. For security reasons either use Stable which has its security patches backported, or Sid where patches are provided as quickly as the package is put in the repo.

There’s arguments that Testing/Sid aren’t truly rolling because they’re frozen for several months when it’s near a final release of the next stable branch, but I’ve been using Sid on my main machines for almost a decade now, and it’s not something I really think about aside from once every two years.

If you disagree or agree, fine but keep the personal stuff out of it.

No, Lunduke needs to be purged from free software spaces. The dude’s entire schick is moving energy and attention that should be focused in projects and getting people excited on using free software into his goofy little cult of personality. He’s been a joke for over a decade trying to force his way in to Linux media