• 2 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Dec 17, 2021


I just realised I have no idea how lemmy works!

Cool idea.

My perpetual gripe with “best of lists” is that they inevitably become merely “lists” once people start suggesting all and sundry additions.

Case in point: best of lists on goodreads. They end up with thousands of books.

Desktop usage is only kept afloat by their use in business.

That’s like saying accounting software is only “kept afloat” by its use in business. Sure, there’s more business use than personal use, but it’s business use will continue to grow.

Do you seriously think there were more desktop users in 2006 than there are now ?

Linux didn’t become mainstream, and now it’s completely moot. Even if you want to disagree with me emotionally, surely you see the writing on the wall?

You seem to think I’m pining for some kind of linux-desktop utopia, which isn’t the case at all. I’m not saying I want linux to conquer the desktop, just that the desktop isn’t dead.

Personally I think the last 20 years in computing has demonstrated that opensource is the best model for server software, while proprietary is the best model for desktop software. If linux desktops were a better product (in ways that matter to most users) then it would have gotten more traction.

This article says more about the author than it does about the linux foundation.

Their stated purpose is:

to support, promote, protect and standardize Linux and other open source software and technologies.

… so it sounds like they’re doing exactly what they’re supposed to be doing. Just because an idiot might read the name “the linux foundation” and conclude that their activities should be exclusively confined to “linux-ey stuff” does not make it so.

If you’ve never been on the “excluded” end of exclusive practices then the DEI stuff is fairly unfulfilling, but this type of research and reporting is absolutely what a non-profit should be doing to support open source and build more robust and effective communities.

Author also doesn’t seem to understand how organisations like this are funded. They receive donations for specific projects. If they don’t undertake the projects they don’t get the money.

I disagree.

Sure there are more mobile devices in the world than “desktops”, but I don’t think that desktops are by any means an exception. I haven’t bothered to try to find any data, but I’d be surprised if the number of desktops in use today is less than it was in 2006.