Run It Yourself

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cross-posted from: > They seem redundant, selfhost seems to have a couple of rules, but they pretty much do the same thing, right? > > I would prefer if they would be merged, it's confusing and annoying to figure out which of both is bigger, since that's all that matters. Also naming is nearly the same. > > I just can't see a difference.

Seafile or other alternative to Nextcloud
Is Seafile any good? It's similar to nextcloud, but apparently faster etc. Mobile apps both have pretty bad ratings on the app stores. What would you host for yourself, friends and family, basic dropbox functionality is all I need. I have hosted Nextcloud in the past but it's a huge program with way too many tools, apps and a complicated way to update, the end result is often a slow and not very comfortable way to use the aforementioned basic dropbox functionality.

Running Nextcloud on a Raspberry Pi without internet
Would self-hosting a Nextcloud instance locally without an internet connection be viable? Use case: Around 5 people need to share files over the network, collaborate on Office documents in real-time, use GitLab, and a To-do/Task management tool. Beyond the initial setup, does any of these requirements need an active Internet connection, or can we all connect to the Raspberry Pi server via Ethernet?

  • ier
  • 2Y
is selfhosting public stuff like XMPP, Email, ActivityPub, on a homeserver good for privacy?
if I have communications with someone through the internet with a homeserver. I would inevitably give out my IP address. Is that a bad thing? In my country they don't have services like that, RTCing would be a bit sluggish using available euro servers.

Previously I used Dehydrated to request certs, but I had to change the setup and found it surprisingly hard to use certbot without it messing up my lovingly handcrafted Nginx configs. This seems to be a sane setup :)

Sadly Gitea isn't included in the official Debian repositories, but this guide is easy to follow.

How much will it cost (per month) to maintain a NextCloud server?
and is there any detailed video about how to host it using windows 10?

Overlaps somewhat with /c/floss_replacement and /c/privacy; crossposts welcome

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