Moved to:
I don’t think so. He is the guy that wants to plant a lot of trees.
I am less optimistic about that. I theory yes, but looking at the way people in the Mastodon federation go about defederating entire instances and any instance that still federates with said instance because they don’t like some specific person’s opinion…
Moderation isn’t really solved by federation, it just makes it harder to get enraged about this single face-less entity that does all the “censorship”. But that doesn’t mean instance moderators are not subject of plenty of accusations of “censorship” and “political bias”.
He is also not really well informed about the current logistical issues.
ICRC is trying to scale up and is currently bringing in about 20 trucks per week (and also airlifting stuff). But there is no fuel in Tigray to transport and distribute the items further and most commercial truck drivers refuse to enter the area.
Ethiopia is also currently experiencing an economic crisis with high inflation and lack of foreign currency which makes it hard to import the needed relief items in high quantities. There is also a lot of local militia still making overland transport a risky endeavor.
But all in all the needs are huge and there is definitely a funding gap to provide the aid needed.
You can switch to device ID for the drive identifier. That has several advantages and also makes it easier to identify the actual drive.
I don’t really see the point of having another circlejerk instance. There is already if you are looking for something like that. Otherwise seems like a nice initiative.
Always check if a post that looks extremely stupid comes from a user, if so don’t bother trying to explain 😓
Works even with Windows and has all sorts of nice features including sending files between the devices. You need to have both devices connected to the same wifi though.
Actually the opposite, among the best ones are cartoon characters from TV shows, see for example, and that is probably still far from what can be done with a bit more effort.
You still don’t understand the concept of being on a federated website it seems. What you said makes as much sense as “XYZ on a communist email”.
This post was made by a user from (AFAIK not communist), to a community on (not openly communist either) and you accessed it from (a Stalinist instance that isn’t communist either, but lets not have a discussion on that ;) ).
The Ethiopian government did their best to suppress international press coverage other than highly speculative and biased “reports” by people from the Tigrayan diaspora (which the article above also falls under).
There is just too little reliable information about the situation in Tigray right now, so this isn’t just a “black lives don’t matter” situation when it comes to press coverage.
P.S.: Ethiopians are pretty “white” by African standards /s
Mostly articles by usually well informed journalists on and some background info I picked up when I worked in Pakistan a few years ago.
Basically look for a phone on the LinageOS supported list:
You are not up to date on Afghan or Pakistan politics at all it seems. And foreign envoys meeting with party representative happens all the time in the US, that is basically their job. In a healthy democracy that is also not really a problem.
During the time of the Taliban takeover, the Chinese negotiated with a moderate faction of the Taliban and it looked for a while like they succeeded in pushing them into position of power. But then the Pakistani ISI intervened and supported the hard liner Taliban faction from the Haqqani network. The Chinese were furious about this and forced the head of the ISI to resign a few weeks later through their influence into the top leadership of the Pakistani military.
Everyone with some common sense knew this was going to happen the moment the Ukrainians started handing out weapons to civilians. Even if these civilians were not actual combatants, the Russian soldiers would have to always treat them as potential ones as a matter of self preservation.
Note I am not at all trying to justifying killing of civilians or excusing the Russian side here, but simply stating the facts of how such things happen in insurgency situations.
That would be probably result in an instance ban as it would federate a lot of old posts at once.