• 2 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Sep 14, 2021


In fact exiting vim is easy, except when you hit C-x C-c then thing get hairy.

Well maybe Lemmy does have federation with Peertunr to some extent be cause all is on the same base. To be confirmed.

Builds are breaking all over the world.

Well this is not so dramatic, only the CI and possible future builds. The previous version and build still do exist. There are also local copies and developers computers and CI server npm cache.

Well Spain is not in the majority. There are other mouvemebts like French gendarmerie, German state, etc. But what about Egypt, Morocco, USA, Mexico, Indonesia, New Zealand, Botswana, or South Africa?

When you see a movie, excluding tech niche movies, what OS do you see? os x, windows or KDE? It would be a mac most of the time because they have the bigger game on marketing and salesmen. Linux has nearly zero so we only see it in geek movies where the author made research and wanted an authentic feel to his show.

If there is no dedicated team, then who are you going to call for help? The community? The community will give you an answer but there is no guarantee the answer will be on time.

Additionally, all the school I have seen use windows and Microsoft office not RaspberryPis. The closest thing I have too to Linux is a think client that allowed absolutely nothing other than connecting to a Windows RDP.

People using Linux on phones or smart boards understand that they are using Android. Which to their minds is not Linux.

Having technicians does not equate to deciding to use an OS. This is a decision higher in the organization. I worked as an IT for four years and the IT manager thinks that using windows products is the way to go. Windows Pro and Windows Server, Active Directory, Exchange, Outlook, Skype then Teams, SharePoint, MS Office, SCCM, IIS.

There is pkgs.org but it lacks many of the filters you want. For example you cannot filter by language.

I do not know of any undertaking like such. However, teaching GNU/Linux in nontechnical schools would require a team of salesmen and business developers. For example, to use a distro in 1st grade or install in lab classes etc. There is Red Hat but I think they are geared towards the enterprise and server side.

There is the Linux foundation but they do nothing about this topic.

It never ends, it just keeps rolling and rolling.

They don’t care about Linux for a long time now. They don’t even use Linux.

Is there a good soul to provide a summary?

Reproducible builds and bootstrap ability is an undertaking by many distributions, not only GNU Guix. Debian is a big actor in this field.

Is this open source? I cannot find information about the licensing or where to get the code from.

6 post per hour is too restrictive in the first place. Maybe a post each 15 to 30 seconds is better.

The package manager for Fedora and its relatives is DNF.

This is wonderful. FOSS makers do listen to users and solve their problems.

They say that since the taskcis scheduled for February 31st it never gets executed. But how does it get executed?

Any FOSS Subscription manager. Alternatives to Zuora and Chargebee.
Is there any FOSS to manage subscriptions? My particular need is to trigger an API call upon subscription to start the service, and then bill subscribers based on their usage. The service would report the usage to the subscription manager. It would be awesome if the manager also provides a user area for subscribers to manage their subscription, pay bills and change a few settings, create support tickets, etc. Duplicate of https://lemmy.ml/post/92688 since I am not sure this kind crossposts are allowed.