• 5 Posts
Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Jun 05, 2020


Where does the file go if it is named with a.txt?

This technique is usually used with checksums because they have a predefined length and alphabetic characters can be safely casted to lower case. How do you want to differentiate between upper case and lower case here asauming that you are using a file system that is sensitive to it?

Pakistan going back to being a US client state again

Is wayland support merged to trunk yet?

Edit: not sure why I even care about this when my laptop’s GPU is Nvidia lmao

Only problem I faced was that there were a lot of predefined instances that were not functional and “update instances” button did not filter them out. Apart from that it has been pretty neat.

From the star count it seems wildly popular but I had not heard of it before.

I just want my brain to be able to connect to wifi and browse the internet with ad block enabled.

Poisoning dissidents is not biological or chemical warfare. For context, US dropped disease ridden insects and fowl feathers during their war on Korea. Am example of chemical warfare is their use of Agent Orange in Vietnam to hurt their agriculture which has ended up poisoning their water supply to this day.

No one is asking you to trust Russia. But Russia doesn’t have 300+ labs over the world inventing novel ways to kill for them.

Even bigger issue is the fact that US routinely engages in chemical and biological warfare on top of being the only country that has used nuclear weapons not only in Japan (twice), but also in Iraq in the form of depleted uranium rounds.

If there is one country in the world that cannot be trusted to have these kinds of facilities it’s the US. I really hope this chicanery comes to an end before something horrible comes out of these labs.

How is the direction to be taken for kernel development decided? Is Linus something like the CEO of the Linux Foundation?

The point isn’t whether whatever threshold of depravity is acceptable. You described the opposition to Russia as “civilized” which is a western chauvinistic and white supremacist point of view. Only wanted to point that out.

Yes please tell me about how the Russian empire has committed atrocities as bad as the genocide of American natives and the Trans-Atlantic slave trade.

Has anyone turned off autocorrect on their phone?
Using autocorrect makes typing much easier on phones. Not only you can write words you don't know the spellings of correctly, but it also compensates for mis-hits on the tiny keyboard. But one day I had to write something using a pen and paper and I realised that I had forgotten how to spell common words. For example I had no idea if it was "absense" or "absence". Then I turned off autocorrect on my phone so that I can relearn how to spell words. I have gotten a lot better since then. Has anyone else had a similar experience?

Announcing /c/EldenRing
A subcommunity for the upcoming game if anyone is interested.

What software/library to use to write a bot that snipes a PS5 as soon as it is available for preorder?
I have tried to use fast fingers to preorder a PS5 as soon as it restocks and have failed. Now I want to turn to the dark side. What do I use to achieve this? I know python and shell scripting but know nothing about web development.

Anything like NewPipe but for Twitch or YouTube streams?
Just want to listen to that lofi stream while studying.

Thoughts on XMPP/Jabber?
I want to stop using WhatsApp because I fuckin hate it. Does anyone use XMPP regularly? It allows encryption so I was considering it. The consideration is whether I will have to self host it or I can use some publicly hosted instances (like how there are open Matrix instances). Also whether it has support for desktop clients that run natively on Loonix without electron. Please share your thoughts if you have experience. Feel free to suggest other alternatives too. I won't mind that.