林嘉铭 ليمْ جيا ميڠ

Anti-colonialist. Interested in HoTT, languages and formal systems.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Mar 11, 2021

Russo-Ukranian War is categorized under "Minor conflicts". In the big picture it really is; if you notice which continents the conflicts are in, maybe you'll see why this one is blown up so big. The painful truth is that the world only cares when white people are going to die.

idgaf! just stop breeding new variants for the rest of the world!!! whites… its not like yuo cant afford lockdowns, i thought ur “education” was the best im the world hahahahaha i laugh

I’m sure ffmpeg (command line software) can, tho idk exactly how

wtv the privacy & security issues, telegram is amazingly fast, thousands of messages with zero lag on a lousy smatphone (and desktop). on signal and whatsapp that device will start burning and crash or hang for abit

They’re making more progress than in the US, but still not anywhere close to mainstream yet. Idk exactly what can be considered active pushback, but u can find lots of colonizer apologia & plain ignorance everywhere

If the death rate of smallpox is 30%, and apparently 'majority' of the Indigenous people there died from smallpox, how did their population decline by 90%?

Lemmy should allow alt text for images: "If white Australia was hunted until only an estimated 10% of the entire population survived; would they demand the truth of their history was recorded & respected?"

wtf “clowns”… theyre f-ing terrorists

if u write ur program in Mandarin u wont need any license cuz no corporation will touch that

i use gmail for spammy things that take up lots of space cuz it works with thunderbird. protonmail for important things (easy access w/o 2FA)

To solve this problem… ask yourself… why you want this PS5? What motivates your desire for a closed capitalist hardware full of neocolonial games? To the point of this clicking nonesense?

portu portu croissant croisaant i can also speak ewropean