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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Dec 03, 2020


The poster for this new release is awesome!!! Check at: https://www.openbsd.org/71.html

I don’t know, but in Spanish, there are numerous ways to name men and women. And trends change year to year, so the slang to call each of them changes too… so it might just be a cultural or society issue. But well, I’m not in contact much with “common” people since I stopped using proprietary and enterprise software, so I only know about several terms from relatives and videos, but I can ensure that there is several of them. It might also be that Spanish is spoken in a lot of countries, which, I guess, might be the reason for this rich term variety.

I’m not a native English speaker, but I thought “female” and “male” were both used quite commonly. I guess I’m wrong.

I use x instead. It’s is a script that launches startx

Your comment didn’t arrive to me until today. I already fixed the problem. I seemed to have some kind of error on my config, but for some reason I didn’t matter until the day Emacs broke. dunno.

I don’t even understand how this r/place thing works. I only know each user can paint a pixel every 20 mins. I didn’t even know a forums web application could be used for pixelart. If that’s actually a feature that Reddit itself provides, I don’t expect anyone coming to Lemmy for whichever controversy could happen, because Lemmy is not going to implement such feature any time soon so coming to Lemmy is not going to solve hypothetical immigrants anything related to this pixelart movement. If that’s actually a feature that Reddit itself provides.

So I don’t expect it to grow specifically because of this. If Lemmy grows (out of Reddit), it is because of more general problems Reddit might have, imo. But I don’t know, I’m on lemmy just because of “Fuck proprietary software” mentality, and less about controversies, so I might not be qualified to answer you.

I didn’t know it was already usable. Thanks

I don’t know if I want to know how will Drew react to this…

What I for sure know is that even though this decision to share the info about the language might be beneficial for its development, it will most likely not be so for, I guess, relationship between developers, as now they are going to be fractured. Maybe Drew goes completely crazy and decides to destroy anything related to this new language, I don’t know.

Well, not about linux, and neither about nicest. OpenBSD

Check their actual github repository for screenshots and more info

TL;DR: Neovim.

Because I feel exceptionally happy today, I’m going to talk about my journey among text editors:

Unnecessary text

I will start from Vim.

I started using Vim 5 years ago.
i = 0
while (still using vim) and i < 6:
test Emacs vanilla
give up with Emacs vanilla
wait 1-4 months
test Emacs Xah-Fly-Keys;
wait 2 months
Back to Vim.
Test again vanilla Emacs 2 more times while using vim.
Test again xah-fly-keys Emacs.
After Several months…
Upgrade to Neovim!
2 days later: Back to Vim.
X more time.
We are on Q1 2020. Let’s use Doom Emacs!
While using Doom Emacs I copy vim configs to Neovim because I got bored of Doom for a week.
Doom possesses me for 2 years (while still using Neovim for terminal things sometimes).
2021 Summer I move my Vimrc configs on neovim to Lua. Still Doom.
Doom Emacs decides to no longer open and freezes on startup. Nice.
Now I’m on Neovim. Waiting for nativecomp Emacs. I still regularly open Doom Emacs to check whether it got fixed magically by itself (no luck as of today).

I’m happy with with neovim currently. I feel like neovim is like more robust and Doom Emacs can like do many many super cool and maybe little things, but sometimes decides to bug itself. Hard choice.

I have been interested on V on the past. However, I still don’t get how V software like this and the compiler itself can get that much stars on github. The more I think about it, the less I happen to trust V and the people around it, and the less I’m interested about thinking more about V and researching for information to stop myself from losing interest on this project. If at least I would see more software being written in V, but I don’t. So I’m not sure how the compiler has almost half the stars Rust has.

Although it is cool, that is my current situation with respects to V.

They mention a lot of times something like there is not enough standardization between distributions or that between one system to another there are too many differences, making “Linux” unable to be better suited for gaming, I guess. So well, I believe what they mean is that there should be some kind of a single distribution and a single way of doing things under “Linux”. So I suppose that is the “solution” they propose?

Everybody knows, that is basically impossible in this community. They should know that too. And I think there are a lot of good reason for this community to be “fractured”. Maybe the proper solution is just too hard. So that is what I’m thinking about. Which would be a proper solution? Containers maybe? Some days ago I think I saw some kind of post about Zig trying to solve this problem too.

Just wanted to mention that, according to GNU, Bookwyrm is nonfree because of being licensed under ACSL. I don’t know the implications of this license on forks.

It’s been a long time since the last time I read from ambrevar’s blog. Forgot how interesting his articles are

I cannot see the files/pictures (no js). I think they are referring to this. I also found a pdf version.

Is this really a “proof”? I can’t say I’m a Signal hate, but neither a lover, however I’m not sure if signal itself explaining why signal is privacy friendly is enough to consider their service and products privacy friendly. It might just be my opinion though. Too used to companies providing equivalent arguments.