I’m the Yujiri from yujiri.xyz. https://yujiri.xyz/contact.gmi

  • 6 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Jun 25, 2021

Why hide the post button if you're not subscribed?
On a community's page there is no post button if you're not subscribed, only a subscribe button which appears a post button. At first I thought it was a rule you had to be subscribed to post in a community, but after I learned that you can post on any community by going to Create Post instead and selecting the community from the dropdown, it's just a pointless annoyance.

What does it mean when a package version has extra parts at the end
I get semver: x.y.z, but in the context of distribution packages (never upstream releases), I often see versions like 5.2.1-1, what does the extra number mean?

I for one am super excited about the potential of RISC-V to liberate our computer hardware :)

Maybe Drew goes completely crazy and decides to destroy anything related to this new language, I don’t know.

There’s no way he’d do that. He and others spent years building this project already. He’s not gonna throw away that much effort and a promising project just because people are seeing it sooner than he intended.

If you want a TLDR of how it compares to other languages, I think this: https://drewdevault.com/2021/03/19/A-new-systems-language.html

First I’ve heard of Odin, I think most of the languages you list can’t be considered true altneratives to C. A key aspect of C is manual memory management; probably any language with garbage collection cannot replace C in its appropriate use cases (kernels, interpreters, device drivers, etc).

My impression is that Hare aims to be drastically simpler than Rust, but borrows at least one major idea from it: pattern matching. I suspect a big reason Drew didn’t consider Zig satisfactory is because of its lack of unicode string support. See this fascinating thread where he argues with the Zig developers about their decision to leave it out: https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/234

The Hare programming language
[Why I'm doing this](https://yujiri.xyz/software/hare.gmi)

These concerns seem very well thought out.

I think, and have thought for a while, that the web is simply a sinking ship. Even using librewolf might not cut it in the future if they stop being able to keep up with the effort of maintaining a browser fork, or if mozilla gives up on firefox upstream. That’s something I’ve been fearing for a while, after seeing microsoft give up (which i assume was because of custom elements), and seeing Google throw in more features of a similar caliber (CSS Houdini).

My opinion is that we ultimately need to abandon the web and replace it with simpler protocols with more specific purposes such as Gemini for publishing documents.

It’s a decent article but I think it could’ve benefitted from more concrete examples, in particular of this claim:

For visually impaired users, this might mean laying out information in a more logical sense than in a spatial sense.

The term “free software” as used in FOSS doesn’t mean software that promotes freedom, but software whose licenses allow certain freedoms. In this definition, Android is free software and FOSS.

Bit of a tangent here, but I think FOSS ideologues have a tendency to overrate the significance of software being FOSS.

We already have a Linux-based mobile OS: Android. It is open source, but it is still in practice a tool for Google to gain more control over us.

Having open source code is necessary, but not sufficient for software freedom. We also need the software to actually be designed to serve the user.

A fork that trimmed features would be unable to render many websites. The problem is more the protocol than the implementation.

My position is that the way forward is ultimately to abandon the web (ie. HTTP), and replace it with alternative protocols for each thing it does. Gemini for example for the “primary” use case of the web (publishing documents).

It’s big but I think that number’s inflated. I just downloaded the source bundle from sudo.ws and I find only 200k even if I count the entire repository, including docs (43k) and lib (38k), and lib looks like vendored dependencies to me. The actual src/ is only 15k.

Looks really cool, but sadly it segfaults for me as soon as I enter a password.

IMO Element is the only client that actually supports enough of the protocol to be useful.

Even if that comparison is exactly correct, wouldn’t it just mean that a userspace scheduler is redundant? You don’t want to have two pieces of software running at the same time with the same job.

But I don’t think that comparison is correct. OS kernels aren’t an external tool for managing process priorities. They’re how you create processes in the first place, so of course the OS is the appropriate place to manage them.

This sounds like a bad idea to me. Having more stuff running just to figure out which of the running stuff to prioritize.

Aiwendil has a good answer but I’d just like to add this nitpick (also @kromonos@fapsi.be ): bash and fish aren’t terminals, they’re shells

Same. I used to use Protonmail but that was one of the main reasons I decided to leave

Riseup seemed like one of the best email providers in my investigation, but I didn’t have an invite and didn’t try to get one since I felt I might not be leftist enough for them to accept me. I ended up going with Disroot, which seems like a slightly less ideologically extreme version of Riseup.

How does wf-recorder work without root?
I was told that one of the core benefits of Wayland is that it prevents applications from snooping each other, such as by recording the contents of windows that don't belong to them or logging keystrokes that don't belong to them. But the program [wf-recorder](https://github.com/ammen99/wf-recorder) can record my entire screen without root! Doesn't that mean any rogue application could do the same thing?

Am making a P2P messaging protocol and hope for protocol review
cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/93192 > It's not finished or anything, but I want potential vulnerabilities brought to my attention as soon as possible.

I'm aware that Session has been discussed twice before on this community, but the last thread was 6 months old so excuse my starting a new one. There's one big concern I wanted to bring up, which is the disagreements over whether it has forward secrecy. [The spec](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2002.04609.pdf) says it does, but I've found *two* other sources saying it doesn't: https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-encrypted-messaging-apps/session/ (search for "Perfect Forward Secrecy removed") https://www.securemessagingapps.com Why are they saying this? Is there a critical caveat to Session's forward secrecy (does it not have it in closed groups?), or are both sources just wrong? (I've also heard one source say its closed groups are limited to 10 members which would be a showstopper for me and another source say they're limited to 100 and the spec says 500 so i don't know what to believe.) I'm also concerned about it being built on top of a blockchain and cryptocurrency, not because I'm suspicious of cryptocurrency in general but because I find it difficult to understand, and because that it costs thousands of dollars to run a Session node seems to me like the network is bound to be owned exclusively by a few rich companies and investors. Is it? Is there a place I can see who owns how much of it, particularly how much is owned by the Oxen developers? UPDATE: I believe I've just learned that Sesison DOES NOT have forward secrecy or deniability; the whitepaper linked on their CURRENT website is outdated. https://getsession.org/blog/session-protocol-technical-information