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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Apr 06, 2022


Are they flying the F-lemon5 “crashes when wet” jets in this movie?

This dumb motherfucker really tried to “both sides” this shit then literally declared that racist lab leak bullshit to be true, lmao

Oh look we’ve got a “everyone who disagrees with me is a Russian bot” type

This is basically the wall I come up against whenever I try to tell other Americans they can’t keep driving everywhere if they want a future.

Ukraine was already a shithole that was near the top of the pile for sex trafficking before any of this happened, thanks to their corrupt dogshit government. Big surprise the same government is full of nazis, right?

Stealing from someone and then claiming they owe you money that you’ve already stolen is some peak western bullshit

“we won’t let you transfer dollars”

“Ok I’ll pay in rubles”


“Ok then”

“Hey you can’t not pay us!”

“I tried to, in rubles”

“No, use dollars”

“You won’t let me”

most of these so-called “AI” implementations are just self-optimizing algorithms trained with incomplete or biased data for a very specific problem. A lot of them can’t even do something in the same problem space that wasn’t part of their training data correctly.

Classic CIA/state dept bullshit. Undermine legitimately elected leaders they don’t like, dump a bunch of shady money into undermining the next election, throw a few agents in to start some chaos in the inevitable protests and then have the “international community” pick the next leader and propagandize the western world into believing it’s somehow the legitimate will of the people.

I betcha if anyone did even the slightest bit of digging they’d find all kinds of financial irregularities for the members of that court

I still think calling any of these poorly trained algorithms “AI” is an insult to the very concept of intelligence, artificial or otherwise. It’s like training a very single-minded dog, but one that can’t do general learning and apply what it learns to dissimilar problem spaces. I’m very salty about everyone just accepting the empty marketing coopting of the terminology.

The UN is increasingly becoming yet another “western colonialism” body with always-the-same-map