• 5 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Feb 09, 2022

Doom Scrolling
Do people want to see more positive posts? Do you feel the negative affects of doom scrolling?

ASMR - Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response
Does anyone else here have ASMR? I have it and would like to know other people's experiences. What do you like? I find pulling crispy pastry strudel to be just wonderful. Crunching leaves as I walk. Pop-its. So many sounds.

Discussion on Perception
Do you ever wonder if the person you think you are is how others perceive you? For example: I was very shy when I was younger. I felt what I had to say wasn't important so I didn't talk. I learned that instead of seeming shy, people thought I was stuck up and "too good" to talk to them. It's not about caring what other people think. It's about how we form connections, display emotions, etc., as a result of the person we show to others.

I wonder if hormonal IUDs will be outlawed as well. The hormone is the same, levonorgestrel. And they probably don’t realize that the Paraguard can be used as emergency contraception.

Leveling up in the Fediverse
Before I met my boyfriend (seahorse) I hadn't heard of Lemmy or the word Fediverse. I didn't know there was this world of federated servers people could host independently that communicate with each other. I am by far not a techy. He told me he ran an instance. My response was exactly, "What is Lemmy instance? Idk about such things." I gave this silly response because I felt a bit stupid due to my ignorance. Hosting. Servers. What? During my short time here I have seen a stark contrast between Lemmy, and FB and IG. I feel sort of a sense of leveling up (thanks to him). I still have my accounts on the latter two social media platforms, but dislike them for several reasons. I like that Lemmy isn't a popularity contest. People don't post pictures depicting a fake perfect life, there is no competition for followers/friends, and no one is trying to sell me something. I hope this sticks. I hope to expand my use of Lemmy and my knowledge.

Caring for Elderly Parent
How do you handle being the one out of your siblings who is caring for your parent? I am trying to accept that because I live here (since my mom's injury) I do pretty much everything and will from now on. Why don't siblings want to be around and help? I can't change anyone. Trying to practice radical acceptance.

Thank you. I didn’t realize just how much he wrote!

I agree. The word is fine, it is how it is used. Like the word male and plural forms of both words. The anonymity shows how people really think of others and perpetuates toxic thinking and treatment of others.

Not to me, but unfortunately I cannot read your full post because I do not use reddit.

My oldest brother wrote a large amount of poetry before his death in 2020. Now his poems are all my favorite poems.

Thank you. How did I not know this.

IG is so full of “influencers”. Eye roll. I’m happy you found a better place. Also, maybe an Etsy store? I’m considering it for selling crafts.

I agree with the previous comment. Also, lying on your bed on your back, allow your head to hang off the edge. You should feel a stretch all the way from your neck down your spine. A massage therapist told me this is good for stretching because I work at a computer all day.

By all and new. I wish I could set a default.

Thanks so much. It is appreciated.

I agree. I try to focus on the moments so I don’t consider a day entirely bad like I used to.

I have chronic pain and pain from a recent procedure. I have chosen a positive attitude despite these current struggles. This is a change for me. Also, I think we can have not necessarily good or bad days, but moments. If something doesn’t go our way it’s a bad moment, the whole day isn’t bad.

I recently made the conscious decision to accept people as they are, not to be disappointed when they don’t do or say what I hope for. I focus on their positive qualities and strengths.