On April 8, a Ukrainian Tochka-U missile hit the railway station in the city of Kramatorsk. As a result, at...

Is the west so far gone that this will never see the light of day? The UN surely would have this information. Are we at the point where “Russia bad” is is the only response to the Ukraine situation even in the face of war crimes being perpetrated against their own civilians? Is the west 100% committed to supporting Nazis or will some governments admit that supporting Ukraine’s Nazis was the wrong move?

They refuse any kind of investigation regarding Bucha for the same reason. Those events already served their propaganda purpose and toching them again might cause the masks to fall off and reveal piles of shit behind Zelensky and the UN as a whole. It’s in their best interest for that shit to be forgotten as quickly as it exploded in the media.

This is what bothers me. If this is indeed true then surely they must admit they were wrong, right? Because I notice that these kind of attacks are shifting the public opinion on military intervention. Like, if they know Ukraine did it and is blaming Russia, are we really going to war over a lie?

The news in NATO countries is under the metropolitan oligarch and they can lie without consequence when the schools and ‘educational’ documentary movies also repeat the lies.

ms riley

this is what you might call a “whoopsie daisy” moment.

I did a quick look through english-language msm and can’t find any coverage about the serial numbers. just uncritically calling it a russian missile strike, and calling russian denials misinformation or just barely mentioning them and focusing instead on zelensky’s promises to bring russia to justice and western leaders’ renewed determination to send weapons. and on social media it’s all liberals pulling out the “begone russia bot” image macros and reddit mods taking down threads full of hysterical comments calling this a russian lie and shrieking about genocide denial. it’s an absolute circus

A reply comment in there claim that Ukrainians could never be Nazis because Hitler oppose Slavs which is illogical since Slav can still believe that they are the master race instead of Germans and Nazi Slav had fought against Nazi German eben as they persecute Jews at the same time in WW2. The tankiejerker red Fascists would defend Ukrainian Nazi with the same logic but frame Slav who support real human right of Nazism in their self contradiction.

For posting news about NATO’s wars in Ukraine, Serbia, Kosovo, and The Middle East, including anywhere else NATO is currently engaged in hostile actions. As well as anything that relates to it.


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