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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Mar 28, 2022


“But Communist countries are worse so you should tolerate our mismanagement” said by the American imperialists who use the very brainwashing that they attributed to totalitarian countries.

American imperialists: “But the American citizen supposedly do not want to split their country!” Also American imperialists: “We shall balkanize any country that resist American exploitation regardless of the wish of the local citizen!”

A Hong Kong spoiled thug who stage pro-British colonial riot also alleged that Hong Kong police shoot him in the stomach during the 2020 riot and he somehow showed no injury from the alleged gun wound.

Is it because the major villian in the current anti-imperialist front is white supremacists who think that they are good because of their white skin color or their association to white people? Or is it that the current media focus on political topic is to slander anyone who oppose American imperialism?

My guess is that they refer to the victory of Ukrainian rebels who oppose the far right government in Kiev and side with Putin. There is a reason why the current Kiev government is killing their own citizens in false flag terrorism…

A reply comment in there claim that Ukrainians could never be Nazis because Hitler oppose Slavs which is illogical since Slav can still believe that they are the master race instead of Germans and Nazi Slav had fought against Nazi German eben as they persecute Jews at the same time in WW2. The tankiejerker red Fascists would defend Ukrainian Nazi with the same logic but frame Slav who support real human right of Nazism in their self contradiction.

The news in NATO countries is under the metropolitan oligarch and they can lie without consequence when the schools and ‘educational’ documentary movies also repeat the lies.

Anti-Fascism is heavily implied with Zelenskiy’s ethnic-centric ‘identify with honeland’ speech and lack of transparency about the accusation.