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Cake day: Mar 23, 2022


Dutch car salesman: “Nah you dont need a cannon, man. A 7.62mm will kill an ork just as easily as a 20mm but its way more economical.” UA conscript: “What if the Russians are in cover or have tanks?” Dutch car salesman: “Don’t worry about that. That’s what air support is for… You do have air support, right?”

We should raise money to send Ukrainian army personnel bleach so they can make white flags out of their Ukrainian flags. Best way to save Ukrainian lives.

Fascism starts as a domestic movement. If it was strictly expansionist they would demonize foreign nations but instead they attack domestic targets who don’t have any ability to defend themselves first. That fight allows them to reorganize their nation to become expansionist. After the Ukraine war is lost The Dems will be unelectable due to the economic shit storm they have made. Republicans will win hard for a while and be isolationists. (like Trump was trying to be) They’ll focus on local infrastructure and manufacturing. Then there will be a populist "ex"republican candidate that will say the quiet racist things out loud and say lots of socialist adjacent things like nationalizing communications, mining, energy, etc. Between the libs, MAGA, and the disillusioned they will win a land slide. Then you’ll see how much farther Fascist USA can turn.

Just be sure to stay safe and don’t brag about it till after you get shut down.

A guy trolling and stealing money from people thinking they are supporting the Ukraine army is good because less money for Ukraine means war ends sooner and it means he thinks the Nazis should loose. If he is getting more donations to go to Ukraine he is lining the pockets some oligarch who is either a nazi or doesn’t mind profiting off Nazis hurting people and prolonging the war.

$ to based scammer > $ to Ukraine aid

I don’t have any prejudices against anyone… he said with a Swastika tattooed on his chest.

Interesting read and analysis. I figured they’d be running low soon but I didn’t expect it this quickly.

Its a shame he was still raising money for Ukraine. I’d be happier if he was just pocketing it.

I’m so happy for those guys and their families. They may not be together again soon but they will be together again.

This makes it sound like the war in Ukraine is made by and for Weapons manufacturers as a way to dispose of old weapons and test a few new ones. I’m no Tinfoil hatter but could this have been the plan since Euromaidan? Putin is probably in on it too and after all the old junk has been disposed the USA will 180 and say “On further investigation it does indeed seem that there was significant Nazi presence and there have been many war crimes committed by Ukrainian army. We apologize to the Russian government and army for aiding Nazis and offer a third of Ukraine as reparations.”

r/Australia just had a video of a bushmaster being delivered to Ukrainians and its all “give em hell.” I cant even bring my self to joke. “They found the only Ukrainian soldiers that aren’t Nazis for this photo op! or is it just luck that they aren’t showing their right shoulders and helmets with the swastikas on them?”

Patrick is a dude. Mad respect for him. I like that I don’t even know his politics. He’s a real journalist who just asks people questions and films. He isn’t trying to tell a story he is trying to document it.

At first there were so many Nazis traveling to fight in Ukraine. I could understand if Russia thought it would be “one and done” but since the truth about the foreign legion being used as unarmed cannon fodder got out the Nazis are staying home,

Even though the news readers sound like they think this family is “evil” by putting it on the news like this they are helping prejudice a jury making an appeal to a guilty verdict more likely.

There a link for this on Al Jazeera’s website? Would be great to post from the horses mouth.

Shitlibs don’t belong in here. You don’t show a virgin the most kinky shit you are into. You seduce them get them into vanilla stuff and ease them into weird kinky stuff.

Is the west so far gone that this will never see the light of day? The UN surely would have this information. Are we at the point where “Russia bad” is is the only response to the Ukraine situation even in the face of war crimes being perpetrated against their own civilians? Is the west 100% committed to supporting Nazis or will some governments admit that supporting Ukraine’s Nazis was the wrong move?

How do we know that all Zelenskyy’s invasion videos aren’t deep fakes? Maybe he is in hiding, or he surrendered to the Russians and been killed for it. Its not like his video’s aren’t obviously green screened.